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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 4:09 am on 12/08/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Internet Society issues statement re: Wikileaks 

    ISOC logoThe Internet Society has issued a statement criticizing recent technical efforts to suppress the Wikileaks website.

    It reads as follows:

    Recently, we have witnessed the effective disappearance from the Internet of a website made infamous through international press coverage and political intrigue.

    The Internet Society is founded upon key principles of free expression and non discrimination that are essential to preserve the openness and utility of the Internet. We believe that this incident dramatically illustrates that those principles are currently at risk.

    Recognizing the content of the wikileaks.org website is the subject of concern to a variety of individuals and nations, we nevertheless believe it must be subject to the same laws and policies of availability as all Internet sites.  Free expression should not be restricted by governmental or private controls over computer hardware or software, telecommunications infrastructure, or other essential components of the Internet.

    Resilience and cooperation are built into the Internet as a design principle. The cooperation among several  organizations has ensured that the impact on the Wikileaks organizational website has not prevented all access to Wikileaks material.  This further underscores that removal of a domain is an ineffective tool to suppress communication, merely serving to undermine the integrity of the global Internet and its operation.

    Unless and until appropriate laws are brought to bear to take the wikileaks.org domain down legally, technical solutions should be sought to reestablish its proper presence, and appropriate actions taken to pursue and prosecute entities (if any) that acted maliciously to take it off the air.

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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 6:47 pm on 12/04/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    ICANN 39 underway in Cartagena – @InternetSociety meetings remote participation details #ICANN #ISOC 

    ICANN 39 ICANN’s 39th Meeting is underway in Cartagena, Colombia. The schedule is here. Conveniently, Cartagena is in the same timezone as NYC.

    There will be two Internet Society Chapter / Member meetings held at Cartagena:

    • ISOC participation in ICANN:

    Sunday 5 Dec, 7:30-8:30pm (UTC/GMT 6 Dec 00:30-01:30)

    • ISOC Chapters and Members meeting:

    Tuesday 7 Dec, 6:30-8:30pm (UTC/GMT 7 Dec 23:30-01:30)

    Details on remote participation are on the links.

    • joly 2:33 pm on 12/06/2010 Permalink | Reply

      Notably the ALAC has proposed to oppose the approval of the Final Applicant Guidebook (PAG), citing in particular several instances on which ICANN staff appear to have ignored or overruled community-developed consensus on contentious issues.

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 8:28 pm on 10/28/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    ITU ruefully agrees to share Internet Governance #icann #isoc #ietf #itu #igf #w3c 

    Monica Ehmert of IP-Watch has written a report on the recently concluded ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico. She notes the tussle over recognizing the roles of independent organizations (such as the Internet Society) in the management of the Internet.

    The opposite position underlining ITU’s need to cooperate with existing self-governing internet organisations was provided by the Swedish delegate speaking for the 48 members of the “European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations” (CEPT). Changes both within the Union and in the cooperation with other organisations are necessary, the delegate said. “We need to be more efficient internally and we need to avoid overlap with the work done by other organisations. This is particularly important in the internet area.” The 2010 plenipotentiary decisions will “guide the ITU in the right direction,” the Swedish delegate said.

    Despite ITU making moves towards transparency apparently the key resolutions won’t be published until Feb 2011

    The whole package of internet-related resolutions (Resolutions 101, 102, 133 and a new resolution on the new internet protocol, or IPv6) was passed at a late hour on Thursday night, close to the end of the three-week meeting and it needed re-elected ITU Secretary General Hamadoun Touré’s urgent appeal for a compromise. For days, delegations mainly from the Arab world and from Russia had fought against a reference to the self-regulatory organisations like the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Society and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in the internet resolutions.

    Proposals to transform ICANN’s Government Advisory Committee (GAC) into an “international committee, or create an (ITU) Council working group (…) with powers of supervision over ICANN,” or a “progressive cooperation agreement between ITU and ICANN and define a mechanism to increase the participation of governments” were all struck from the text. Also struck earlier in the Guadalajara meeting was a Russian proposal to integrate the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) whose future is on the agenda of the UN General Assembly this week. The IGF was an outcropping of the 2003-2005 ITU-led World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

    How, asked Syrian delegate Nabil Kisrawi, can an intergovernmental UN organisation like the ITU be considered to be on equal footing with a California-based private company like ICANN? An explanation of the concerns of the Arab countries came from the Saudi delegation. Some people just did not want the names of ICANN and the other self-regulatory bodies in the resolutions because, “we think that in fact there’s a risk of undermining the role of the ITU in the internet.” All countries are in favour of having ICANN work under international and not under California law, the Saudi delegation said.

    Touré’s last-minute compromise for the internet resolutions asked at least for “reciprocity” in the cooperative efforts of the ITU, ICANN and the other internet management organisations, and this formula is now part of all four internet-related resolutions of the ITU work plan for 2012-2015.

    Monica observes:

    A delegate from Russia said in the closing ceremony that the conference had stated “that the ITU is open for cooperation and is ready to take the first steps to bring closer together other organisations that are dealing with internet-related matters.” But, he said, the ITU is also “ready to take on itself a leading role in internet governance within the scope of its competence and we ask the secretary-general to inform the General Assembly of the UN and all those concerned in telecommunications on our progress in this field.”

    and she concludes:

    Non-governmental organisations have criticised the ITU for many years and the internet self-regulatory bodies looked at the ITU as interested in “taking over.” With the formal acknowledgement of private domain regulator ICANN, the IP-address allocating RIRs, the Internet Engineering Task Force and the World Wide Web Consortium – standardisation organisations for the internet protocol and the Web respectively – in its plenipotentiary documents, the ITU might be seen as giving up its claim as sole representative for future networks. But how much will the ITU give up?

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 1:58 am on 10/05/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    INET Beirut – Oct 14 2010 @InternetSociety Regional Conference 

    Monday 4th October 2010 – Under the patronage of his Excellency Telecom Minister Charbel Nahas, the Internet Society Lebanon Chapter is organizing the first Internet Society INET conference in Lebanon and the region. This regional one-day conference, sponsored by IDM, is scheduled to take place on Thursday 14th October at the Grand Habtoor Hotel. The event will bring together members of the local and regional Internet community, technology experts, policy makers and business leaders to discuss key internet related opportunities and challenges for the Lebanese economy.

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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 5:37 am on 09/30/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    INET London: Internet Society launches ‘Future Internet Scenarios’ campaign @InternetSociety 

    ISOC logo
    29 September 2010, LONDON – The Internet Society urged Internet users around the world to become active participants in the effort to guarantee that the Internet remains an open and transparent platform for communication and innovation.

    At its INET conference on the impact of the Internet revolution on business in London today, the Internet Society warned all users that they would ignore future Internet opportunities, threats and challenges at their peril. To illustrate the potential for a future Internet that is very different than the one we use today, Internet Society launched four scenarios that highlight contrasting paths along which the Internet could develop based on economic, political and social forces emerging today.

    Of the four Internet scenarios, the Internet Society advocates The Common Pool, in which the Internet continues to be built on open technologies and processes, fostering permission-less innovation, economic growth, and social development.

    The Internet Society said it is up to users to act now to ensure that the future development of the Internet takes a direction that is in the best interests of everyone.

    “We all have to engage urgently as big decisions are currently being made on the future of the Internet that will have a direct impact on our business and social lives. Complacency over such vital issues as net neutrality, security, privacy and IPv6 is simply not an option,” said Frederic Donck, director of the Internet Society’s European Regional Bureau.

    The  videos and comments – add your own! – can be found at http://www.isoc.org/tools/blogs/scenarios/
  • Internet Society New York Chapter 1:37 pm on 08/13/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    New facility in Mombasa expected to accelerate and promote Internet development in the region

    August 13, MOMBASA, Kenya – The Telecommunications Service Providers Association of Kenya (TESPOK) today announced the creation of an Internet Exchange Point (IXP) in Mombasa. The new IXP will ensure that all the region’s traffic is exchanged locally, which will improve Internet performance for end users, save operators the expense of backhauling regional traffic via Nairobi, and reduce the costs associated with traffic exchange between Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:26 pm on 08/06/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    ISOC Policy Audit Plugin Beta Evaluation – Call for participants #trust 

    Internet SocietyThe ISOC Trust & Identity Initiative is collaborating with the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU) on the development of an Identity Management Policy Audit System. The goal of the IdM Policy Audit System is to provide a simple way for end users to access and track the various policies governing the use of websites they visit.  This is accomplished using a suite of tools that monitor and store website usage policies as they change over time, and providing a mechanism for users to easily access this information.

    Find details, and how to participate in the beta program, below.

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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 8:37 am on 07/29/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Audio: ISOC meeting at ICANN 38 

    This ISOC Chapters and Members Meeting meeting was held in conjunction with ICANN38 in Brussels on June 21 2010. It was attended by more than 60 participants. It provided an opportunity for ISOC Chapter delegates and members as well as ISOC staff to meet, exchange information and to get to know each other. An audio recording is now available.

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:40 pm on 07/28/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    ISOC Community Grants Program briefing – Aug 3 

    The ISOC Community Grants Program will accept applications beginning Wednesday, 1 September 2010.  The application round will close Thursday 30 September.

    Interested parties are invited to attend the upcoming conference calls scheduled for 3 August at UTC 10:30 and 20:00 to discuss the application forms & criteria – (that’s 6.30am and 4pm EST)
    In the meeting, I will go over the guidelines on how to apply for funding and hold a Q&A session.  There is also a new policy regarding the number of programme-funded projects one Chapter or Global member may be currently working on at any given time.   This information is posted on the website but will be discussed during the call as well.

    Connecting to the meeting will be by Global Crossing phone conferencing.  If you are interested in joining one of the two calls, please respond  to Program Manager Connie Kendig at projects@isoc.org with a note specifying which meeting time you plan to attend and she will send you the toll-free dial in details.

    In the meeting, Connie will go over the guidelines on how to apply for funding and hold a Q&A session.  There is also a new policy regarding the number of programme-funded projects one Chapter or Global member may be currently working on at any given time.   This information is posted on the website but will be discussed during the call as well.

    Those participating the a conference call are urged to read over the programme webpages in advance of the meeting.

    Any further questions regarding the Community Grants Programme:  projects@isoc.org.

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 8:04 pm on 07/23/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Internet Society’s Rough Guide to IETF 78’s Hot Topics 

    IETF 78 in Maastricht, Netherlands is rapidly approaching (25-30 July). Newcomers’ training and technical tutorials take place on Sunday (25 July), with the working group, BoF, and plenary sessions happening during the week.

    Once again the Internet Society has provided a  rough guide to the sessions most relevant to our current work. See below.
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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 5:18 am on 05/02/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    INET San Francisco is May 7 – Theme: Internet trust challenges 

    INET SF 2010: Internet trust challenges and where we need to be in the next 10 years.

    The San Francisco Chapter of the Internet Society organizes a regional INET conference to discuss important issues related to the Internet.

    In the current Internet model we are faced with growing challenges of trust. How do we trust a particular address we type in a web browser? With ever-increasing social media networks and increasing number of communication how do we ensure that information we exchange can be trusted. The Internet has become a comfortable form of business transactions, can we trust the current Internet model or should we be thinking differently?

    The San Francisco INET will bring together experts from Internet policy, standards, private sector and user community. We will explore current Internet policy challenges, how to advance security in the domain name system, how are businesses dealing with issues of trust and how is email communication evolving to ensure end-to-end trust. The conference will hold two panel sessions where audience can interact with experts. The goal of this conference is not to find ways to work with the current Internet trust model but what we want the model to be in the next ten years.

    Keynote Speakers:

    • Peter Dengate Thrush, Chairman of ICANN
    • Zaid Ali, Chairman/President SF-Bay ISOC
    • Daniel T Dreymann, President/Co-Founder, Goodmail Systems
    • James Galvin, Afilias
    • Alex Deacon, Verisign
    • Jim Fenton, Cisco Systems
    • Dave Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorking
    • Dave Lewis, Online Trust Alliance
    • Lucy Lynch, Internet Society
    • Stuart Staniford, FireEye

    More info and formal registration: http://www.sfbayisoc.org/inetsf2010

    Follow SF-Bay ISOC on Facebook

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