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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 5:55 pm on 03/29/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    World Summit Award: Call for National Experts! 

    DEADLINE: April 15th, 2010

    Nominations accepted at: wsa@icnm.net

    The World Summit Award (WSA), a unique global activity to select and promote the world’s best e-Content and most innovative ICT applications (http://www.wsis-award.org), is now accepting nominations for it’s Expert Panel 2010-11 in 192 UN Member states.

    National Experts represent their country in the framework of the WSA and undertake the responsibility for selecting the 8 best and most innovative e-Content examples from their country (conducting the WSA national pre-selection), and nominating them to the Global WSA by February 2011.

    Members are selected every two years from distinguished international experts in the field of ICTs, e-Content and multimedia and bring a wealth of experience and insight to the WSA.


    • High expertise and several years of working experience in the fields of multimedia, content industries, and ICTs.
    • Proficiency in English.
    • A high motivation and a clear reason for their intention to join the WSA.

    Both self-nominations and nominations third parties are accepted. Please send your nomination, incl. a short CV in English to wsa@icnm.net. The final decision will be taken by the WSA Board of Directors before the end of April.

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 3:52 pm on 03/29/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: desa, , un,   

    Briefing on future of IGF at United Nations NYC 3/30 

    The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has sent out an invite to a briefing on the Internet Government Forum (IGF) on March 30. In 2009 the General Assembly called on DESA to gather reports from various Internet -related organizations (including ISOC) and to consider the results, and also the future of the IGF. It is presumed at this meeting Sha Zukang, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, will report the conclusions, or at least give a status update. The invite notes that it is open to “not only to accredited entities to the World Summit on the Information Society, but also to “institutions and persons with demonstrated knowledge and experience in issues related to the Internet Governance Forum”

    What: DESA IGF briefing
    When: Tuesday Mar 30 2010 ; 15:00-18:00 EST
    Where: Conference Room 2 – Temporary North Lawn Building (TNLB) United Nations 1st Ave & 44th ST NYC
    Contact: 212 963 1234

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