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  • joly 3:43 am on 05/13/2011 Permalink | Reply
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    Personal Democracy Forum – Jun 5/6 NYU #PdF11 #opengov @pdfteam 

    The eighth annual Personal Democracy Forum will take place at NYU on June 6/7.

    The theme for PdF 2011 is “Agents of Change”.

    More info: plenaries | speakers

    Hashtag: PdF11

  • joly 6:47 pm on 01/19/2011 Permalink | Reply
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    Students For Free Culture 2011 Conference #sfcnyc #freeculture 

    sf nyc The Students For Free Culture 2011 Conference (SFC NYC) will be held February 19th-20th 2011 at NYU. Susan Crawford and the diaspora developers will be keynote speakers.

    Register here.

  • joly 4:57 pm on 12/01/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , NYU, sinnreich,   

    Aram Sinnreich – Music in the Networked Age – NYU Mon 12/6 

    Aram SinnreichThe Internet Society’s New York Chapter is happy to co-sponsor Aram Sinnreich addressing the topic ‘Music in the Networked Age’ as part of Evan Korth’s Computers & Society Speaker Series at NYU on Dec 6 2010. The event will videotaped for later webcast.

    What: Aram Sinnreich – Music in the Networked Age
    When: Monday Dec 6 2010 : 3.30pm – 4:45pm
    Where: Warren Weaver Hall NYU Rm 109, 251 Mercer st NYC
    Who: Public welcome. Photo id required.

    (More …)

  • joly 11:07 am on 08/02/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Open Video Conference, October 1-2 in NYC – early bird registration ends Aug 4 

    Open Video Conference

    This October 1 & 2, Open Video Alliance will present the second annual Open Video Conference in New York City. While the OVA focuses on creating and promoting free and open technologies, policies, and practices in online video, the conference embodies the important need for discussion which transcends online video and grapples with the larger questions of mass media, participatory culture, and the state of freedom and openness online.

    Last year’s conference featured talks by thinkers and activists like Jonathan Zittrain, Yochai Benkler, Josh Silver of Free Press, Mark Surman of Mozilla, and legendary hacker DVD Jon—as well as artists and filmmakers like Eyebeam, Eclectic Method, and Ted Hope.

    This year’s line up is set to be just as diverse, stimulating, and informative, featuring speakers like telecommunications scholar Tim Wu (who first coined the term “net neutrality”), former Obama adviser Susan Crawford, cultural anthropologist Michael Wesch, and lead singer/guitarist Damian Kulash of the band OK Go.

    OVC is two days of talks, workshops, panels, and film screenings on technology, business, law, education, and the future of storytelling.
    * Register (Early bird discount extended through Wednesday, August 4th)

  • joly 12:41 am on 08/01/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Wiki-Conference New York – Aug 28-29 2010 @NYU 

    Wikiconference NYC 2009 - pic by Cary Bass

    Wikiconference NYC 2009, Â .

    The 2nd annual Wiki-Conference New York is to be held over the weekend of August 28-29 2010 at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, hosted by ITP and supported by Free Culture @ NYU and Wikimedia New York City.

    Please consider making a presentation, maybe a Lightning Talk!

    Register here: bit.ly/wikinyc

  • joly 7:23 am on 04/28/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , NYU, , project,   

    Diaspora developers present to ISOC-NY – a “privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all distributed open source social network” 

    On Feb 5 2010 Eben Moglen challenged the tech community to liberate the world from the shackles of social media conglomerates by developing the “freedom box” – a distributed peer-to-peer equivalent. On Apr 22 2010 four NYU students briefed ISOC-NY on their response to Moglen’s challenge – diaspora – a “privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all distributed open source social network”. The project went live on kickstarter the next day.

    ogv | mp4 | stills | youtube | mp3 | ogg

  • joly 9:31 pm on 04/13/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Mobile App Legal Concerns Panel – New York Law School 4/20 

    Ever since the Apple launched the App Store on the iPhone, people have been crazy about mobile apps. As a result, apps are now widely available on the Android, Blackberry, and many other mobile phone platforms. A developer must consider issues concerning contract law, intellectual property protection, corporate law and user privacy when creating a new app. This panel will discuss the legal concerns that every mobile app developer should consider before bringing a new app to market.
    Moderator: Jonathan Lutzky, Esq., Masur Law
    Room: W201 6-8pm, Event begins at 6:30, Tuesday 4/20
    Panelists: Simon Buckingham,  Mobile Streams Appitalism
    Dan Cohen, DaDa Mobile and Playme.com
    Hugh Dornbush, omgicu
    Kunal Gupta, Polar Mobile
    RSVP to Brian Daitzman: brian.daitzman@law.nyls.edu
  • joly 6:31 am on 03/25/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    HTML5 with Dan Kantor – ITP Seminar @ NYU 3/26 

    Friday March 26 2010
    12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
    ITP 721 Broadway, 4th Floor
    New York, NY 10003
    Phone: 212.998.1880

    HTML5 has received a lot of press lately as the technology that will transform the web from a document-based model into an app-based one. Please join Dan Kantor for a 1 hour talk as he shows examples of how using HTML5 will enable users to interact with web-apps in ways never before possible.

    He will also demo building an extension for Google Chrome and show how the next generation of browser extensions are truly unlocking the power of the web.


    Dan Kantor is the Founder & CEO of ExtensionFM, a music extension for Chrome. Prior to that he founded Streampad, a social music service that was acquired by AOL in 2008. Before that he spent time at Delicious, Yahoo and Microsoft. Dan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Michigan, and a Master’s degree from ITP.

    via News and Events » HTML5 with Dan Kantor.

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