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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:25 am on 07/28/2011 Permalink | Reply
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    Webcast: @hackNY Class of 2011 DemoFest today 28 July 6.30pm #nyc #startup 

    hackNY The Internet Society’s New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) will present a webcast of hackNY’s Class of 2011 DemoFest tonight July 28 2011 from 6.30pm to 9.00pm, live from NYU’s Courant Institute. This year the number of student fellows is up – from last year’s 12 – to 35, representing 19 schools from 17 Universities.

    The hackNY program, of which ISOC-NY is fiscal sponsor, pairs quantitative and computational students with startups which can demonstrate a strong mentoring environment: a problem for a student to work on, a person to mentor them, and a place for them to work. Students enjoy free housing together and a pedagogical lecture series to introduce them to the ins and outs of joining and founding a startup. At the DemoFest they will show the results of their efforts.

    What: hackNY DemoFest 2011
    Where: Courant Institute, NYU
    When: July 28 2011 – 6.30pm – 9pm EDT | 10.30pm – 1am UTC
    Who: Attend in person – http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1945227227
    Webcast: http://www.livestream.com/internetsocietychapters
    Twitter: @hackny
    facebook: hackNY
    shorturl: http://sflow.us/mPTrWr

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 1:59 pm on 03/25/2011 Permalink | Reply
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    HackNY Spring 2011 Hackathon – April 9/10 @NYU #hackny #nyc 

    Once again ISOC-NY will be a co-sponsor of the HackNY Hackathon event at NYU. This is a two day event – on the first day local start-ups present the latest and greatest in applied programming interfaces (API) then after a frantic coding all-nighter (pizza, doughnuts and coffee are provided) teams of students present their best efforts to crank out original applications. The 2010 Fall Hackathon drew in more than 200 students from more than 30 universities – so competition is fierce. The public is welcome to attend the judging which ISOC-NY will also webcast live.

    What: HackNY Spring 2011 Hackathon – judging
    When: Sunday April 10 2011 (Noon-2pm)
    Where: Warren Weaver Hall Rm 109, 251 Mercer St, NY NY 10012
    Who: Free. Public welcome. Capacity limited.
    Webcast: http://livestream.com/internetsocietychapters

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 3:00 am on 07/26/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    hackNY Fellows Program Demo Fest – Fri Jul 30 NYU 

    Friday July 30 will be the occasion of the hackNY program Demo Fest, held at the Courant Institute at NYU. Sponsored by ISOC-NY with funds provided by the Kauffman Foundation, hackNY organizes the summer hackNY Fellows program, in which selected student fellows are matched with NYC startups, and provided with shared housing in NYU dorms, plus lectures from local tech leaders. We are looking forward to seeing the results of their efforts. Video will be shot and webcast at a later date.

    All are welcome: http://hacknydemofest.eventbrite.com/

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