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  • joly 3:00 am on 10/31/2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , piracy   

    POSTPONED: Aram Sinnreich – The Piracy Crusade #compsoc #copyright #netfreedom 

    Aram SinnreichIn 2012 the Internet Society’s New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) will once again sponsor Evan Korth’s Computers & Society Speaker Series at NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. This lecture series, part of an undergraduate course, are also open to the public (space is limited), and will be recorded for later webcast. The first talk, unfortunately, has had to be postponed due to the closing of NYU for the rest of this week –  but it was to be Aram Sinnreich, Assistant Professor at Rutgers University’s School of Communication and Information, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, speaking on the topic: “The Piracy Crusade: How the Music Industry’s War on Sharing Destroys Markets and Erodes Civil Liberties“.

    You can still register at meetup.com and we will apprise you of the rescheduled date.

    What: Aram Sinnreich – The Piracy Crusade: How the Music Industry’s War on Sharing Destroys Markets and Erodes Civil Liberties
    Where: Room 109, Warren Weaver Hall, 251 Mercer St (and West 4 St)
    When: ***POSTPONED ***
    Webcast: Will be recorded
    Register: http://www.meetup.com/isoc-ny/events/89159182/
    Hashtag: #compsoc

    In the name of combating “digital piracy,” the music industry and its allies have spent billions of dollars to lobby for stronger copyright laws, shuttered hundreds of promising businesses, and sued tens of thousands of American internet users. Rutgers University Media Studies Professor Aram Sinnreich investigates the rationale behind these decisions, and explores their implications for free speech, civil liberties, and market innovation, in his soon-to-be published book, The Piracy Crusade. Ultimately, he argues, we are squandering our best hopes for a functional democracy and a thriving marketplace in the 21st Century in order to chase a phantom in an unwinnable war. Instead, we must focus on new laws, policies and economic models that reward and thrive on the free sharing of information in cyberspace and beyond.

    Aram Sinnreich is an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University’s School of Communication and Information, in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies. Sinnreich’s work focuses on the intersection of culture, law and technology, with an emphasis on subjects such as emerging media and music. He is the author of two books, “Mashed Up” (published in 2010), and “The Piracy Crusade” (to be published in 2013), and has written for publications including the New York Times, Billboard and Wired. Prior to coming to Rutgers, Sinnreich served as Director at media innovation lab OMD Ignition Factory, Managing Partner of media/tech consultancy Radar Research, Visiting Professor at NYU Steinhardt, and Senior Analyst at Jupiter Research. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Southern California, and an MS in Journalism from Columbia University.

  • joly 2:24 pm on 05/16/2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , piracy, rfc   

    RFC: The Piracy Crusade #SOPA #CISPA #ACTA #copyright #netfreedom 

    Aram Sinnreich writes:

    I’m currently working on a new book, titled The Piracy Crusade. It’s essentially a continuation of the arguments I made on behalf of LimeWire, as an expert witness for the defense in that case (http://bit.ly/k9KYwL). The aim is to examine and critique the RIAA/IFPI narrative that lays the blame for the music industry’s economic woes on free sharing, and to explore the consequences of laws and policies such as SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and CISPA, which are pushed as panaceas to the piracy problem.
    I’m sure many in the ISOC community have strong opinions on this subject, so I’d love their feedback. I’m posting chapter drafts freely under a CC license on http://PiracyCrusade.com. There’s a WordPress comments platform, so feedback will be visible to all readers of the book (feel free to email me privately as well). I’ll also address any substantive comments in the final, printed version of the book (due out next year from University of Massachusetts Press), and give a shout-out to all commenters in the Acknowledgments section.

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!



  • joly 3:53 am on 04/14/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , GAO, , piracy, RIAA,   

    GAO reports “positive economic effects of counterfeiting and piracy” ! 

    CNET’s Greg Sandoval notes that a new Government Accountability Office report: Intellectual Property: Observations on Efforts to Quantify the Economic Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods suggests that figures often cited by the film and music industries to represent losses due to piracy and illegal copying cannot be substantiated, and ignore the positive economic impacts of same.

    The accountability office even noted the existence of data that shows piracy may benefit consumers in some cases.

    “Some experts we interviewed and literature we reviewed identified potential positive economic effects of counterfeiting and piracy,” The GAO wrote. “Some consumers may knowingly purchase a counterfeit or pirated product because it is less expensive than the genuine good or because the genuine good is unavailable, and they may experience positive effects from such purchases.”

    “Consumers may use pirated goods to ‘sample’ music, movies, software, or electronic games before purchasing legitimate copies,” the GAO continued. “(This) may lead to increased sales of legitimate goods.”


    ..experts disagree over the potential impacts of piracy on jobs. One leader in the field told the GAO that piracy kills jobs, while another said “any effects are unclear” because job loss in one sector may result in a “rise in other industries as workers are hired to produce counterfeits.”

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