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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:09 am on 02/19/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: http2, , w3c   

    HTTP/2 gets approved, heads to RFC @ietf #http2 

    ietf[By Gareth Halfacree – Republished from bit-tech]

    The IETF HTTP Working Group has officially approved the HTTP/2 specification, bringing the biggest change to the web since the launch of HTTP/1.1 back in 1999.

    The HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) underpins the web, but has been relatively stagnant since 1999 when the publication of RFC2616 formalised the current version 1.1 of the standard. While HTTP/1.1 has served the web well over the years, it has failed to keep up with the increasing power of modern computing. Traffic is restricted to a set number of connections which fail to make use of modern high-bandwidth connectivity and massively-concurrent processing capabilities. Alternative protocols, like Google’s SPDY, show that there is definite room for improvement with up to 64 per cent performance boosts available with purely software changes.

    The need for an alternative to HTTP has been obviated with the Internet Engineering Task Force’s announcement that HTTP/2 has now been approved as a formal standard. Google itself pledged its support for the fledgling standard earlier this month when it announced the retirement of SPDY, its own protocol for speeding up web traffic. ‘Since most of the benefits [of SPDY] are present in HTTP/2, it’s time to say goodbye,’ developer Chris Bentzel wrote at the time.

    HTTP/2’s improvements include a reduction in blocking connections, SPDY-like connection multiplexing to decrease the number of individual connections while increasing the number of page items that can be loaded at any one time, header compression, and ‘cache pushing,’ all of which combine to offer considerable improvements in performance both at server and client sides. While it uses the same application programming interface (API) calls as HTTP/1.1, it is a binary rather than text standard – which makes it unsuitable for selected edge-case scenarios such as manual connection debugging.

    While companies like Google are already working on support for HTTP/2, the technology won’t see active use in the wild until it’s an official standard. The IETF’s Internet Engineering Steering Group’s approval of the protocol is the first step. ‘The IESG has formally approved the HTTP/2 and HPACK specifications, and they’re on their way to the RFC Editor, where they’ll soon be assigned RFC numbers, go through some editorial processes, and be published,‘ wrote IETF HTTP Working Group chair Mark Nottingham in a blog post on the matter. Nottingham also deflected criticism over Google’s involvement in the process, stating that ‘while a few have painted Google as forcing the [SPDY] protocol upon us, anyone who actually interacted with [Google’s] Mike [Belshe] and Roberto [Peon] in the group knows that they came with the best of intent, patiently explaining the reasoning behind their design, taking in criticism, and working with everyone to evolve the protocol.

    The formal HTTP/2 RFC is expected to be published within weeks, rather than months, at which point browser and server developers will begin rolling out support for the standard.

    Twitter: http/2
    Facebook: http2
    Google+: http2

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:51 pm on 10/29/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , sue gardner, , , w3c   

    WEBCAST TODAY: W3C 20th Anniversary Symposium – The Future of the Web #w3c20 

    W3C20Today, Wednesday October 29 2014 the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) will, in celebration of its 20th Anniversary, present a symposium – The Future of the Web in Santa Clara,CA. The 3-hour symposium will discuss how the Web community can: Build a more beautiful Web to enable our creative expression; Extend the Web to the many devices people use to improve their lives; Support trusted communications, secure and private; and Empower all people to use and contribute to the Web, including support for diverse languages and accessibility. Speakers include Tim Berners Lee, Vint Cerf, Fadi Chehadé, and Sue Gardner. The event will be webcast live at 6pm NYC time.

    What: W3C 20th Anniversary Symposium – The Future of the Web
    Where: Santa Clara Marriott, Santa Clara, CA, USA
    When: Wednesday October 29 2014 3pm-6pm PDT | 1800-2100 EDT | 2200-0100 UTC
    Program: http://www.w3.org/20/#program
    Webcast: http://www.w3.org/20/#webcast
    Twitter: #w3c20
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/w3c20

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 4:16 pm on 05/24/2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , ican, , nro, w3c   

    Internet Society issues #eG8 press release – emphasizes multistakeholder approach @InternetSociety 

    The Internet Society has issued a press release in advance of the eg8 Forum in Paris. The release, issued in conjunction with the Number Resource Organization, the Internet Society France Chapter, ICANN, and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) calls on world leaders and governments to recognize the multistakeholder approach that has built the Internet, and to honor their commitment at the WSIS Summit in Tunis in 2005 to continue that process.

    The release states:

    A multistakeholder approach has helped to encourage the global Internet’s tremendous growth and is key to its continued development as a platform for innovation and economic progress in the developed and developing world. Without the full involvement of the organizations charged with the development, management and operation of the Internet, the future stability, growth and development of the Internet could be compromised. The same approach has proven to be the most effective when it comes to Internet policy development. Organizations representing civil society can also provide crucial guidance about to ensure the Internet supports social progress.

    The ‘Internet Ecosystem’ of organizations and communities that guide the operation and development of the technologies and infrastructure that comprise the global Internet are currently leading the way on the deployment of technologies that will ensure the Internet continues to be a platform for innovation, economic development and social progress.

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 5:05 pm on 05/10/2011 Permalink | Reply
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    eG8 Forum (24-25 May, Paris) Request for Input from @InternetSociety #eG8 

    [Alert from Constance Bommelaer, Senior Manager – Strategic Global Engagement. Internet Society]

    eG8Just before the G8 meeting (26-27 May, Deauville) there will be an eG8 Forum (24-25 May, Paris) gathering the “leaders of the Internet”. Several I* organizations have been invited to participate (ICANN, W3C, IAB, ISOC, etc.), and we understand that the outcomes of the discussions of the eG8 (format tbd) will be submitted to the G8 itself. Regarding ISOC’s participation, we are pleased to advise that our President and CEO, Lynn St Amour, and our Chapter Delegate for France, Gérard Dantec, have been invited to be part of the eG8.

    Themes of the eG8/G8:
    The eG8 Forum is expected to cover a variety of issues including the “Internet and Growth”, “Internet and Societal issues”, the “Future of the Internet”, “Innovation and Financing” and “Start-up Nations”.

    What we hear from informal discussions with various stakeholders is that the preparatory process of the G8 included discussions on “Internet governance”. The G8 summit in May will be followed by the G20 next autumn where Internet issues will again be discussed, and probably in more depth. This seems to indicate that our community will need to continue monitoring the G8 and G20 meetings in the future.

    Possible input of the I* community
    Unlike the OECD High-Level Meeting on the Internet Economy (June 2011, Paris) where stakeholders (e.g. ITAC, Internet Technical Advisory Community to the OECD) are associated to the preparation of the Communiqué, the G8 protocol is more formal. However, opportunities to contribute should include participation in the eG8 Plenary Sessions and the parallel workshops (list of participants tbc) and also publishing a press release.

    Our primary objectives at the eG8 Forum, in cooperation with the other I* organizations invited to attend, will be to:

    • shed light on the role and the work of the Internet technical organizations;
    • explain what the Internet ecosystem is and how the Internet works;
    • emphasize the importance of the Open Internet: i.e. open standards, open processes and open innovation.

    ISOC community’s involvement
    Your thoughts on the themes listed above would be extremely valuable to us by Wednesday 18 May. Additionally, as soon as we will have developed our messages (e.g. press release) we will invite the ISOC community to echo them through their own networks.

    It is vital, in our view, to inform all forums addressing Internet-related issues about the multi-stakeholder nature of the Internet ecosystem, and, in particular, it seems that the G8 and G20 are environments where there would be great value in disseminating those messages.

    Useful links:

    http://www.eg8forum.com/ (factsheet)

    The e-G8 Summit, Unveiled

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 8:28 pm on 10/28/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    ITU ruefully agrees to share Internet Governance #icann #isoc #ietf #itu #igf #w3c 

    Monica Ehmert of IP-Watch has written a report on the recently concluded ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico. She notes the tussle over recognizing the roles of independent organizations (such as the Internet Society) in the management of the Internet.

    The opposite position underlining ITU’s need to cooperate with existing self-governing internet organisations was provided by the Swedish delegate speaking for the 48 members of the “European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations” (CEPT). Changes both within the Union and in the cooperation with other organisations are necessary, the delegate said. “We need to be more efficient internally and we need to avoid overlap with the work done by other organisations. This is particularly important in the internet area.” The 2010 plenipotentiary decisions will “guide the ITU in the right direction,” the Swedish delegate said.

    Despite ITU making moves towards transparency apparently the key resolutions won’t be published until Feb 2011

    The whole package of internet-related resolutions (Resolutions 101, 102, 133 and a new resolution on the new internet protocol, or IPv6) was passed at a late hour on Thursday night, close to the end of the three-week meeting and it needed re-elected ITU Secretary General Hamadoun Touré’s urgent appeal for a compromise. For days, delegations mainly from the Arab world and from Russia had fought against a reference to the self-regulatory organisations like the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Society and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in the internet resolutions.

    Proposals to transform ICANN’s Government Advisory Committee (GAC) into an “international committee, or create an (ITU) Council working group (…) with powers of supervision over ICANN,” or a “progressive cooperation agreement between ITU and ICANN and define a mechanism to increase the participation of governments” were all struck from the text. Also struck earlier in the Guadalajara meeting was a Russian proposal to integrate the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) whose future is on the agenda of the UN General Assembly this week. The IGF was an outcropping of the 2003-2005 ITU-led World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

    How, asked Syrian delegate Nabil Kisrawi, can an intergovernmental UN organisation like the ITU be considered to be on equal footing with a California-based private company like ICANN? An explanation of the concerns of the Arab countries came from the Saudi delegation. Some people just did not want the names of ICANN and the other self-regulatory bodies in the resolutions because, “we think that in fact there’s a risk of undermining the role of the ITU in the internet.” All countries are in favour of having ICANN work under international and not under California law, the Saudi delegation said.

    Touré’s last-minute compromise for the internet resolutions asked at least for “reciprocity” in the cooperative efforts of the ITU, ICANN and the other internet management organisations, and this formula is now part of all four internet-related resolutions of the ITU work plan for 2012-2015.

    Monica observes:

    A delegate from Russia said in the closing ceremony that the conference had stated “that the ITU is open for cooperation and is ready to take the first steps to bring closer together other organisations that are dealing with internet-related matters.” But, he said, the ITU is also “ready to take on itself a leading role in internet governance within the scope of its competence and we ask the secretary-general to inform the General Assembly of the UN and all those concerned in telecommunications on our progress in this field.”

    and she concludes:

    Non-governmental organisations have criticised the ITU for many years and the internet self-regulatory bodies looked at the ITU as interested in “taking over.” With the formal acknowledgement of private domain regulator ICANN, the IP-address allocating RIRs, the Internet Engineering Task Force and the World Wide Web Consortium – standardisation organisations for the internet protocol and the Web respectively – in its plenipotentiary documents, the ITU might be seen as giving up its claim as sole representative for future networks. But how much will the ITU give up?

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