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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 3:18 am on 04/16/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    ISOC ISP Column: #IPv6 penetration reaches 5% 

    In the April 2010 edition of Geoff Huston’s ISOC ISP Column he reports that the extent of full end-to-end IPv6 capability in today’s Internet is now at a level of 5% of all end systems. This number is now at a level where IPv6 deployment is now passing from mere statistical interest to mainstream commercial importance.

    Figure 32. IPv6 / IPv4 Web Access Ratio


  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:46 pm on 03/24/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , isoc,   

    ITU Council Working Group on #IPv6 – Report on First Meeting in Geneva 

    REPORT: ITU IPv6 Group meeting
    Provided by: Bill Graham, ISOC

    Geneva, February 15-16, 2010

    The ITU convened the first meeting of the Council-chartered IPv6 Group in Geneva, co-chaired by the Directors of the Telecommunication Standardization and Telecommunication Development Bureaus. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Mohammed El-Khamis of the United Arab Emirates, and was attended by about 20 Member States and an equivalent number of Sector Members and invited experts. The latter group included the RIRs and the authors of two studies commissioned by the ITU: Dr. Milton Mueller and Dr. Sureswaran Ramadass. For ISOC, Bill Graham and Constance Bommelaer, Leslie Daigle and Mat Ford attended. In addition, all five Regional Internet Registry CEOs and four RIR staff attended the meeting. Three ICANN staff were available to attend, but ICANN had not been invited as experts, and after some discussion, attendees decided not to let them join this meeting. This decision will be revised for future meetings. No civil society organizations were present.

    (More …)

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 1:23 pm on 03/09/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    ISOC @ ICANN 37 

    The ISOC meeting alongside ICANN 37 in Nairobi will take place 8:00 – 9:30 am (NYC time) on Thursday 11 March.

    Draft agenda:

    1. Welcome and Introductions
    2. ISOC 2010 Plans for Chapter Development and Support – Dawit Bekele
    3. ISOC Participation in ICANN – Bill Graham (TBC)
    4. Chapter Plans and Activities for 2010 (all)
    5. AOB

    Remote participation is via Marratech (join the ISOC Auditorium, no login required).

    Further information regarding this ISOC meeting will be published here.

    In order to stay up-to-date with ISOC events during ICANN meetings you are invited to subcribe to the [ISOC-at-ICANN] mailing list .

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:37 am on 03/03/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    First Solar Powered Rural Internet Kiosk installed in the South Coast of Kenya 

    Ukunda, Kenya, February 27, 2010 – For the first time, a Rural Internet Kiosk (RIK) has been installed for rural youth empowerment in Africa. Voices of Africa for Sustainable Development (VOA4SD) is building the capacity of local youth to empower themselves through the Internet and social enterprise. The community based organization, Voices of Diani will own and operate the Rural Internet Kiosk with training, support, and volunteers from VOA4SD. The Rural Internet Kiosk is a product of Intersat Africa, Ltd. who has generously provided the first year of bandwidth at no cost. The funding for this project has been provided by the Internet Society through their Community Grants initiative.
    (More …)

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 12:38 pm on 01/27/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    ISOC Board of Trustees nominations announced 

    Dear Colleagues,

    I am pleased to report the slates of candidates for the 2010 Internet
    Society Board of Trustees elections:

    Chapter Trustee positions (one position to be filled this year):

    . Narelle Clark, Australia
    . Eduardo Diaz, Puerto Rico
    . Andy Linton, New Zealand

    Organizational Member Trustee positions (two positions to be filled this

    . Brad Biddle, United States
    . Hiroshi Esaki, Japan
    . Eva Frolich, Sweden
    . Lawrence Lessig, United States
    . Michael Nelson, United States
    . Leonard St-Aubin, Canada
    . Richard Woundy, United States

    The Committee received nominations from many well-qualified candidates, and
    narrowing the field to the final slates was an extremely challenging task.
    We are confident that the nominees selected are qualified to serve on the
    board of trustees and that the slates provide a good basis for a meaningful

    This concludes the work of the Nominations Committee. On behalf of the
    Committee I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the nominees who
    expressed an interest and willingness to serve on the Board of Trustees.
    On behalf of the Board of Trustees I thank the members of the Nominations
    Committee for all their time and hard work. Your efforts are greatly

    The election will be conducted by the election committee led by Patrick
    Vande Walle. Ballots will be sent electronically to the designated Election
    Representatives of each eligible Organizational Member and Chapter no later
    than 12 March 2010 and votes should be cast no later than 23:59 US Eastern
    Daylight Savings Time on 12 April 2010.

    Daniel Karrenberg
    Chair, 2010 Nominations Committee

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 12:30 pm on 01/27/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    ISOC Community Grants Programme e-meeting – 2/5/10 

    From: Connie Kendig
    Date: January 20, 2010 9:07:58 AM EST

    Dear Colleagues:

    You are invited to attend the upcoming e-meetings scheduled for 2 February at UTC 10:30 and 20:00
    to discuss the ISOC Community Grants Programme application forms & criteria.

    The Community Grants Programme will accept applications beginning Monday, 1 March 2010. The application round will close Friday, 26 March.

    In the meeting, I will go over the guidelines on how to apply for funding and hold a Q&A session. Forms and information are posted on the ISOC website for your review at:

    Those participating in an e-meeting are urged to read over the programme webpages in advance of the meeting.

    Connecting to the meeting will be by Marratech. Details of how to connect to the ISOC Marratech Auditorium (no password required) are at the top of the page at: http://www.isoc.org/isoc/chapters/meetings/

    The Marratech tool can be downloaded at: http://marratech.tools.isoc.org/files/

    Please sign up for one of the two meeting times on the Chapter wiki at: http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Events

    The direct Marratech URL for the meetings is posted on the Chapter wiki (requires log in). If you have difficulties accessing the wiki, please contact chapter-support@isoc.org.

    Any questions regarding the Community Grants Programme, please send them to projects@isoc.org.

    We look forward to your participation.

    Best wishes,

    Connie J Kendig
    Sponsored Programs & Grants Manager
    Internet Society

    Tel: (703) 439-2136

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:55 pm on 12/30/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , isoc, , , user centricity,   

    Vint Cerf comments on 1) user centric approach to Net Neutrality 2) unbundling 

    Two interesting remarks by Vint in this interview:

    Vint Cerf: we’ve only scratched internet’s surface

    1) Straying from the Google NN hard line he endorses, if a little weakly, the Internet Society’s User-centric approach

    The ultimate solution, he says, may be a combination of enforced transparency and user tools. If ISPs are required to disclose how they’re managing their networks, and if users are provided with the proper technology to see how their connections are faring at any given time, anti-competitive actions should be hard to conduct without being detected.

    “I wouldn’t object out of hand that proposal,” he says. “It has been the means by which some abusive practices have been exposed here in the U.S.”

    2) He thinks that unbundling is gaining favour at the FCC & Congress – this directly contradicts recent statements by Blair Levin, overseer of the National Broadband Plan.

    Cerf is pleased with the direction the United States is taking in regards to providing internet access to its citizens. Government and regulators there are beginning to favour the sort of open-access rules, where big network-owning companies must rent their infrastructure to other competitors, that have been in place in Europe and parts of Asia for years. Cerf thinks open access is the wave of the future.

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:22 am on 12/26/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , isoc, , process   

    New ISOC Consultation Process guidelines 

    An Internet Society working group recently drafted new guidelines for policy establishment consultations between members, chapters, and the global ISOC organization.

    Fundamentals are as follows:

    1. The ISOC Principles are shared core values utilized in policy formation but could use a revamp.

    2. Policy decisions, even when considered relatively minor, should be shared amongst the parties.

    3. Mutual respect for roles and responsibilities are fundamental to a positive collaboration process.

    4. Language is a major issue.

    5. The concept of subsidiarity should be employed by ISOC participants for consultations.

    A simple set of summary guidelines has been provided.

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 12:09 pm on 12/23/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: isoc, , ,   

    Lynn St Amour @ ITU – ICT Qatar interview 

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 12:28 am on 12/09/2009 Permalink | Reply
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    Australia debates broadband initiative 

    The Australian Government has organised a forum to debate benefits and structures from the planned A$40B plus investment in our National Broadband Network, in a session that will take place on 10 and 11 Dec 2009 (Australian time).

    ISOC-AU has been joint hosting the Australian IPv6 Summit 2009 over the last two days, where we have heard the point that IPv6 is imperative for continued growth of the open worldwide Internet, including from Leslie Dagle of ISOC. Now we need to ensure that this principle is embodied in plans for Australia’s National Broadband Network. See:

    Online input into the Australian discussions is welcomed. You can submit ideas and view streaming of presentations. See:

    In line with discussions at the Australian IPv6 Summit, I have submitted the
    following suggestion just now:
    “The National Broadband Network must be future proofed and as flexible
    as possible, incorporating and making available to users technologies
    such as IPv6 from day one, and fully available service enablers like
    high grade DNS (IPv6 of course).”
    Tony, ISOC-AU

    I encourage all ISOC members and supporters to go to the Website
    and vote for this idea so that it comes to the top of the list. URL:

    Please post this request to as many lists as possible. Thank you for your support.

    thanks, Tony

    | Tony Hill president@isoc-au.org.au |
    | President Internet Society of Australia (ISOC-AU) |
    | Tel +61 2 6257 5544 PO Box 152 |
    | Mobile 041 212 8755 Civic Square ACT 2608 Australia |
    | Fax +61 2 6262 9938 http://www.isoc-au.org.au |

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 10:00 am on 12/08/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , internet model, isoc, ,   

    IGF Workshop 319: Workshop on Fundamentals: Core Internet Values

    An audio recording of the core values workshop organized by Isoc India Chennai at IGF 2009 Sharm el Sheikh

    What is the Internet? What makes it what it is? What are its architectural principles? What are the core values? And what is happening to the core values in the process of its evolution? What is it that needs to be preserved and what changes are inevitable?

    ( detailed descriptions of this workshop is at the Internet Governance Forum website )

    The panel was chaired by Lynn St Amour, President of the Internet Society and inlcluded Daniel Dardailler, Patrick Falstrom, Ambassador Yrjo Lansipuro, Rt. Hon. Alun Michael, MP., Nathaniel James, Alejandro Pisanty, Ian Peter, Markus Kummer with apologies from Jonathan Zittrain, Issac Mao and Milton Mueller

    Janna Quitney Anderson of Elon School of Communications has written an article titled “Net’s 10 Commandments” proposed by Ian Peter during this workshop also summarizing the deliberations at this workshop by panelists on arstechnica

    via ISOC India Chennai Chapter: IGF Workshop 319: Workshop on Fundamentals: Core Internet Values.

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