IGF Workshop 319: Workshop on Fundamentals: Core Internet Values
An audio recording of the core values workshop organized by Isoc India Chennai at IGF 2009 Sharm el Sheikh
What is the Internet? What makes it what it is? What are its architectural principles? What are the core values? And what is happening to the core values in the process of its evolution? What is it that needs to be preserved and what changes are inevitable?
( detailed descriptions of this workshop is at the Internet Governance Forum website )
The panel was chaired by Lynn St Amour, President of the Internet Society and inlcluded Daniel Dardailler, Patrick Falstrom, Ambassador Yrjo Lansipuro, Rt. Hon. Alun Michael, MP., Nathaniel James, Alejandro Pisanty, Ian Peter, Markus Kummer with apologies from Jonathan Zittrain, Issac Mao and Milton Mueller
Janna Quitney Anderson of Elon School of Communications has written an article titled “Net’s 10 Commandments” proposed by Ian Peter during this workshop also summarizing the deliberations at this workshop by panelists on arstechnica
via ISOC India Chennai Chapter: IGF Workshop 319: Workshop on Fundamentals: Core Internet Values.