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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 3:04 am on 08/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , elections, issuevoter, voting   

    VIDEO: 100 days before the Election: Issues + Innovation = Impact #issuevoternyc 

    On July 28th 2014, the 100th day before the US Election on November 4 2014, our colleagues at Goodnik partnered with civictech startup Issue Voter to present Issues + Innovation = Impact which brought together people from government, nonprofits, and startups, to discuss tri-sector collaboration and civic engagement. After a demo of the IssueVoter platform, which enables citizens to not only vote on legislation, plus track how their representatives themselves vote, and vice versa, there was a panel discussion featuring Art Chang, Chair, NYC Voter Assistance Advisory Committee, and Ron Gonen, New York City Deputy Commissioner for Recycling and Sustainability, moderated by IssueVoter founder Maria Yuan. ISOC-NY cameras were present, video is below.

    View on YouTube: http://youtu.be/zQuGKIOWQfg
    Transcribe on AMARA: http://www.amara.org/en/videos/O1XhqOJ52shz/
    Twitter: #issuevoternyc

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:17 am on 08/14/2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , elections,   

    Call for Nominations: ISOC-NY Election 2012 

    isoc-nyISOC-NY is a 501(c)3 corporation, chartered by the Internet Society. Under our By-laws we have to hold an election every two years for our various offices and board of directors.

    The current officers and directors terms were supposed to end on July 31 2012, with fresh terms beginning on Aug 1. However due to procrastination – July was a busy month – the election has been put off til now. But we should get it done in the next two weeks. Newly elected officers and directors terms will be backdated a month!

    So, this leaves us just a matter of days to hold the 2012 election, so we’d better get on with it!!

    Nominations: Aug 14 – Aug 21 2012 Midnight EST Voting: Aug 23 – Aug 29 2012 Midnight EST

    According to our By-laws the offices are

    1. President.
    2. Executive Vice-President.
    3. Administrative Vice-President.
    4. Secretary
    5. Assistant Secretary.
    6. Treasurer.
    7. Assistant Treasurer.

    Only the Secretary and Treasurer are permitted to hold more than one position.

    There is a minimum of 7 directors and a maximum of 15 directors.

    If you look at the Community Portal you’ll see we currently have 10 directors.
    The officer’s roles are clearly defined in the Bylaws. What does it mean if you become a director? Well.. it’s hoped that you will attend meetings/events, but more to the point you will be added to several mailing lists:

    1) ISOC-NY BOD list, where we hash out the nitty gritty of ISOC-NY activities and policy.

    2) the ISOC North American Leaders regional list, where we share thoughts with our fellow USA Chapters.

    3) the ISOC Chapter Delegates list, where we share thoughts with our Chapter colleagues around the world.

    So, we are looking for nominations! Self-nominations are fine. Just one thing, please make sure that you are a member of the chapter! This can be done by going to https://portal.isoc.org/EBusiness/Home.aspx and checking your status. If you’re not, just join – doesn’t take a mo’!

    Then send your name, with a brief statement of interest saying why you’d be a good director, to mailto:nomcom@isoc-ny.org before midnight next Tuesday Aug 21 2012. If you are also interested in standing for one of the offices say so. You will then be approved, or not, by the nominations committee.
    (More …)

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 12:38 pm on 01/27/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: elections,   

    ISOC Board of Trustees nominations announced 

    Dear Colleagues,

    I am pleased to report the slates of candidates for the 2010 Internet
    Society Board of Trustees elections:

    Chapter Trustee positions (one position to be filled this year):

    . Narelle Clark, Australia
    . Eduardo Diaz, Puerto Rico
    . Andy Linton, New Zealand

    Organizational Member Trustee positions (two positions to be filled this

    . Brad Biddle, United States
    . Hiroshi Esaki, Japan
    . Eva Frolich, Sweden
    . Lawrence Lessig, United States
    . Michael Nelson, United States
    . Leonard St-Aubin, Canada
    . Richard Woundy, United States

    The Committee received nominations from many well-qualified candidates, and
    narrowing the field to the final slates was an extremely challenging task.
    We are confident that the nominees selected are qualified to serve on the
    board of trustees and that the slates provide a good basis for a meaningful

    This concludes the work of the Nominations Committee. On behalf of the
    Committee I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the nominees who
    expressed an interest and willingness to serve on the Board of Trustees.
    On behalf of the Board of Trustees I thank the members of the Nominations
    Committee for all their time and hard work. Your efforts are greatly

    The election will be conducted by the election committee led by Patrick
    Vande Walle. Ballots will be sent electronically to the designated Election
    Representatives of each eligible Organizational Member and Chapter no later
    than 12 March 2010 and votes should be cast no later than 23:59 US Eastern
    Daylight Savings Time on 12 April 2010.

    Daniel Karrenberg
    Chair, 2010 Nominations Committee

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