Audio of the NYC Broadband Advisory Committee’s Staten Island public hearing on Thursday Mar 5 is now available here. Video and summaries will follow.
Audio/Video of AT&T Breakup 25th Anniversary event.
High quality audio and video of last Friday’s Has Divestiture Worked? event @ NYU can now be found below.
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A crash course on the Internet
Zittrain (from 2004) sets us straight:
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Video of Lawrence Lessig @ NYU
Below is video/audio of Lawrence Lessig’s talk at NYU last Sunday
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Video of NYC Council webcasting proposal public hearing
Below is video of last week’s public hearing on the proposal to webcast NYC City Council and other municipal meetings. It was informative with first, representatives of the NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT) giving the official line, and then, two presentations by commercial vendors. After which Common Cause, the Peoples Production House, and others spoke on behalf of the public interest.
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Is Success Killing the Internet? Zittrain debate webcast Thursday
Jonathan Zittrain will debate the premise of his book ‘The Future of the Internet – and How to Stop It.’ on Thursday Nov 6 – 3.30pm-5pm – at the New America Foundation in Washington DC.
The debate will be webcast live.
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Video of John Perry Barlow @ NYU
Here is video of John Perry Barlow’s talk for Evan Korth’s Computers and Society speaker series last Monday at NYU – “The First Internet Election?”
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ISOC-NY coming events / recent webcasts

well worth reviewing as the issues continue to reverberate.
.nyc hearing (webcast)
On Friday, October 17th, Council Member Gale A. Brewer (D-Manhattan), Chair of the Technology in Government Committee, held a hearing regarding the City’s interest for a unique .nyc Top Level Domain (TLD).
White Spaces Hearing (webcast)
Takes a little while to start.
This is the first couple of hours only. Full video & audio and speaker list to follow.
Why Broadband Matters (video)
Here is video of the US Senate Commerce Committee’s hearing ‘Why Broadband Matters‘ held on Sep 16 2008.
ISOC-NY events September 2008 – OneWebDay plus more
Video of NYC Broadband briefing
Diamond Consultants was hired by the New York City Economic Development
Corporation to determine the breadth of the digital divide in New York City
and develop programs and initiatives to provide greater digital inclusion for
all residents. Chris O’Brien, a Partner in Diamond’s Public Sector practice,
detailed Diamond’s findings – and its recommendations for the City’s next
steps – to the NYC Broadband Advisory Committee at City Hall on July 30 2008.
Afterwards members of the Committee and the public made comments.
Cerf, Zittrain & Lessig talk @ Google
Back in March, introduced by Vint Cerf, Jonathan Zittrain and Larry Lessig gave a talk at Google’s Washington DC offices. Google has, possibly encouraged by its Viacom harassment, just posted the video up on YouTube. About 58 minutes in, after Zittrain has given his book synopsis – with which I trust we are all now familiar, Lessig, drawing on earlier ‘Z theory’, gets into the meat of exactly the privacy issues recently highlighted by Viacom’s actions.
Personal Democracy Forum under way
The Personal Democracy Forum takes place today & tomorrow at Lincoln Center. The theme this year is “Rebooting The System”. Your best chance of catching a live stream is via mogulus (may not work in firefox) or the ‘scobleizer’ link below.