Main Page
From Wiki
This is the wiki for the Internet Society Chapter of the Greater New York City Metropolitan Area (ISOC-NY). (more info).
- Go here for info on how to join isoc-ny. You do not have to be local to join. Over a quarter of our membership is international.
- - sign up for meeting notifications
- Meetings - records of past ISOC-NY Meetings
Working Groups / Committees
- Policy
- Election & Nominations
- Membership, Outreach & Engagement
- Events & Programming
- Bylaws Rewrite
- Budget & Finance
Sponsored projects
- Accessibility NYC
- BetaNYC
- NYC School of Data
- NYC Mesh
- Digital Divide Partners
- Streaming Community Initiative
- Harlem Emergency Preparedness Day
- Columbia Institute of Tele-Communications (CITI)
- Columbia Global Freedom of Expression (CGFoE)
- BSidesNYC
- Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE)
- New York Metro Joint Cybersecurity Conference (NYMJCSC)
- NYC Network Operators Group (NYNOG)
- Silicon Harlem
Proposed Projects
ISOC-NY is represented in the following groups
- Non Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC)
- Non Commercial Stakeholders Group (NGSG)
- North America At-Large Organization (NARALO)
- GDPR - EU General Data Protection Regulation
- Webcasts - webcasts of past ISOC-NY events.
- Calendars - a place to list calendars of Internet-related events
- Community - a page for posting links to our friends & colleagues in NYC and internet tech/communities.
- IPv6 - a collection of resources on the transition to IPv6 addressing
- ISOC Chapters Wiki - news announcements from ISOC chapters around the world.
- Accessibility resources - a list of resources on internet accessibility for the disabled.
- Programming - a list of resources on internet programming.
- Networking - a list of resources on networking.
- Streaming - a list of resources on webcasting.
- Recycling - a list of hardware recycling resources
- Media Production - a list of mostly open-source media production resources
- Publicity links - a list of media contacts to promote ISOC-NY events
- User resources - a list of resources for Internet users
- Wireless mesh networks - aggregation page for info
- Internet history - links and bibliography
- Infrastructure - links
- Internet of Things - links
- Censorship circumvention - links
Previous Projects
- Chapters Advisory Council
- Digital Preservation
- Org Membership
- NYC Mesh
- Webcasts - pre 2011
- x-pubpol mailing list 2011-2016
- Computers for Rwanda Orphans - 20 laptops needed!
- NTIA RFC for WTSA2016
- ICANN SIG ICANN Special Interest Group
- ISX formerly ISXubuntu - a project to make a linux live cd with enhanced privacy and anonymity
- Occupy - Where New Yorkers from the world over imagine an intuitive, resident friendly, Top Level Domain for New York City.
- The Harlem Computer/Internet Access Programme - project to bring internet literacy to seniors.
- ISOC-NY Election 2012
- INET NYC 2011 - brainstorming / planning
- ISOC-US - relations with other Internet Society chapters in the USA.
- ACTA - ACTA bill reference
- ISXUbuntu - ISOC-NY's ISXubuntu software project, a Linux installation designed to optimize security and privacy while online.
- NYC Broadband Advisory Committee - information on the NYC Broadband Advisory Committee.
- ICANN YouTube - view some YouTube videos from ICANN's news department.
- ICANN - Paris - notes / minutes / transcripts of meetings at the Jun 2008 ICANN event.
- ICANN - New Delhi - notes / minutes / transcripts of meetings of the Nov 2007 ICANN event.
- New York State Council for Universal Broadband - information on the New York State Council for Universal Broadband
- JPA Midterm review - notes on the US government's review of its agreement with ICANN
- Internet Radio Royalty Rates - info on the controversy over the recent proposed increases in the statutory rates payable by music webcasters.
- ISOC Sphere Project - an activity that seeks to develop the relationships between ISOC Chapters and ISOC Global.
- ISOC Project Funding - information about applying to ISOC for project funding.
- IMAGINE Africa - information about a project to bring satellite internet to developing countries
- ICANN ALC - the debate as to whether isoc-ny should join the ICANN At-Large Constituency.
- Net Neutrality - discussions vis-a-vis Network Neutrality.