This is a list of webcasts of previous ISOC-NY events plus other local tech events that we have helped out on.
DVDs of those marked with numbers can be obtained from mailto:dvd@isoc-ny.org - a $5/dvd donation is optional.
More recent webcasts are tagged 'webcast' on our noticeboard : http://isoc-ny.org/p2/?tag=webcast
Even more webcasts are archived in the Internet Society Chapters Livestream Channel
[hide]- 1 iBreakfast: Master of Your Domain - the New TLDs
- 2 New York Technology Council panel: The Pervasive Network
- 3 Open Government and The Transformation of New York City’s Digital Environment
- 4 Susan Crawford – The Big Squeeze: The Looming Cable Monopoly
- 5 Aram Sinnreich - Today is Opposite Day: Music in the Network Age
- 6 NY Tech Council Innovations in Media Series – Advertising Technology
- 7 Susan Crawford – The State of Telecommunications Policy in the US Today
- 8 New Style Curators panel - New Museum NYC
- 9 Panel: Building Tomorrow’s Broadband
- 10 Barbara Van Schewick - Internet Architecture and Innovation - Why Architecture Matters
- 11 Jacob Weisberg & Tim Wu - The Master Switch
- 12 Douglas Rushkoff - Program or Be Programmed
- 13 Tim Wu - 'The Master Switch'
- 14 Evan Hill-Ries - An Introduction to Copyright
- 15 Glover Wright - Data Activism and Grassroots Empowerment in India
- 16 Open Hardware Summit
- 17 Alex Goldman - The Internet's Three Principles
- 18 David Solomonoff – Taking Back the Edge: Freedom and the Internet Model
- 19 Hunter Newby - Introduction to Allied Fiber
- 20 NYC Council Open Government Data Hearing
- 21 Diaspora Project developers roundtable with ISOC-NY
- 22 Jinyang Li – Censorship Circumvention via Kaleidoscope
- 23 Google, Technology and the Future of the Music Industry
- 24 Eben Moglen - Freedom in the Cloud: Software Freedom, Privacy and Security for Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing
- 25 Google Book Settlement Workshop
- 26 New York Tech Council – Tech Trends for 2010
- 27 NYC Council Hearing on Innovation
- 28 NYC Council Hearing on Net Neutrality
- 29 Eben Moglen: Patent Law at a Crossroads: Bilski and Beyond
- 30 David Post: JEFFERSON’S MOOSE IN CYBERSPACE – Copyright & The Internet
- 31 William Patry: Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars
- 32 Civic Representation in ICANN: What Now? forum
- 33 New York City Community Fiber Meeting – Wed 9/9/09
- 34 New York City Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Meeting
- 35 ICANN gTLD Implementation Consultation Session NYC
- 36 NYC Council - Open Data Standards
- 37 David Bollier - “The Struggle to Build a Digital Republic”
- 38 Richard Stallman - Copyright vs. Community
- 39 Has Divestiture Worked? A 25th Anniversary Assessment of the Breakup of AT&T
- 40 Andrew Raziej - Democracy, Civic Action, and Politics in a Networked World
- 41 Lawrence Lessig - Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy.
- 42 Douglas Rushkoff - Open Source Democracy
- 43 NYC Council Tech Committee Webcasting Hearing
- 44 John Perry Barlow - The first Internet election?
- 45 dot nyc hearing - NYC City Council
- 46 Fred Benenson - Creative Commons & Free Culture
- 47 Fred Benenson - A brief history of copyright
- 48 NYC City Council White Spaces hearing
- 49 Tim Westergren - The Future of Music and the State of Licensing Today
- 50 OneWebDay 2008
- 51 NYC Broadband Study briefing
- 52 Participation and Politics Online
- 53 Futures of the Internet
- 54 The Future of the Internet - And How to Stop It
- 55 The Future of WHOIS Policy
- 56 Free Software and Free Media
- 57 What Price New York City Wireless: The Politics of Technology
- 58 The Future Of The Net
- 59 Danny Younger
- 60 Richard Stallman - "Free Software: Freedom and Cooperation"
- 61 George Sadowsky
- 62 WBAI Town Hall
- 63 Community Panel
iBreakfast: Master of Your Domain - the New TLDs
Herrick Feinstein - Aug 3 2011
At this conference, the first to address the rollout new Top Level Domains since they were approved by ICANN in June, applicants, representatives of major registries, and other experts addressed the process, particularly as it affects corporations.
New York Technology Council panel: The Pervasive Network
Microsoft - May 3 2011
At this general meeting of the New York Technology Council, representatives from Verizon Wireless, frog design, and the Wall Street Journal discussed the future of ubiquitous network access
Open Government and The Transformation of New York City’s Digital Environment
Paley Center - Feb 11 2011
Social Media Week discussion. Panel: Rachel Sterne - Chief Digital Officer, NYC, Carole Post - Commissioner, DoITT NYC, & Seth Pinsky - NYCEDC
Susan Crawford – The Big Squeeze: The Looming Cable Monopoly
NYU - Feb 8 2011
Susan Crawford at the Students for Free Culture Conference on Feb 18 2011. Susan gives a brief preview of her coming book ‘The Big Squeeze” and then engages in discussion.
Aram Sinnreich - Today is Opposite Day: Music in the Network Age
NYU - Dec 6 2010
As part of Evan Korth's Computers & Society Speaker Series at NYU Rutgers professor Aram Sinnreich discussed how new communications technologies are changing musical patterns.
NY Tech Council Innovations in Media Series – Advertising Technology
CUNY Graduate Center - Dec 2 2010
The New York Technology Council presented the second panel in its Innovations in Media Series – Advertising Technology: How has technology reshaped the advertising business model? Coming directly on the heels of the FTC’s announcement of a proposed Do-Not-Track framework, a stimulating discussion on the trade-offs between privacy and commerce.
Susan Crawford – The State of Telecommunications Policy in the US Today
NYU - Nov 29 2010
As part of Evan Korth's Computers & Society Speaker Series at NYU Susan Crawford, OneWebDay founder and former Obama adviser, summarizes the current state of play of US Telecom policy, with a particular eye on forthcoming FCC decisions on net neutrality and the Comcast/NBC-U merger.
New Style Curators panel - New Museum NYC
New Museum NYC - Nov 18 2010
In 2009 the New York Times proclaimed, “The Word ‘Curate’ No Longer Belongs to the Museum Crowd.” This panel, organized by Joanne McNeil, took a look at “curation” online and how the word applies to social media and internet use.
Panel: Building Tomorrow’s Broadband
NYU - Nov 17 2010
A panel of broadband infrastructure builders - Hunter Newby, CEO of Allied Fiber, Joe Calzone of the ION Upstate New York Rural Broadband Initiative, and Louis Houle of Connect Quebec discuss strategies and impediments to community broadband.
Barbara Van Schewick - Internet Architecture and Innovation - Why Architecture Matters
NYU Law School - Nov 10 2010
Barbara Van Schewick’s talk was based on her book Internet Architecture and Innovation. Van Schewick, after giving a thorough outline of the principles that allowed innovation on the open Internet to flourish, suggests that for its continued generation regulation may be required that puts the reins of any blocking, discrimination, and/or access controls firmly in the hands of the users not the providers.
Jacob Weisberg & Tim Wu - The Master Switch
Core Club NYC - Nov 12 2010
New America Foundation presents Jacob Weisberg, Editor of Slate, & author Tim Wu discussing his book "The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires" .
Douglas Rushkoff - Program or Be Programmed
NYU - Nov 3 2010
Douglas Rushkoff expounds on his new book ‘Program or Be Programmed‘ in the Computers & Society Speaker Series at the Courant Institute
Tim Wu - 'The Master Switch'
Columbia Law School - Nov 3 2010
Tim Wu presents the theme of his book 'The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires'
Evan Hill-Ries - An Introduction to Copyright
NYU NYC - Oct 20 2010
As part of the Computers & Society speaker series Evan Hill-Ries brings us up to date on the history of copyright.
Glover Wright - Data Activism and Grassroots Empowerment in India
New York Law School - Sep 25 2010
Glover Wright of the Center for Internet and Society talks about Data Activism and Grassroots Empowerment in India at the Innovate/Activate Unconference
Open Hardware Summit
New York Hall of Science - Sep 23 2010
The first ever conference solely devoted to Open Source Hardware, held in conjunction with the New York Makers Faire.
Alex Goldman - The Internet's Three Principles
NYU NYC - Sep 22 2010
Alex Goldman spoke on OneWebDay about basic Internet principles. A wide-ranging discussion on the state of the net followed.
David Solomonoff – Taking Back the Edge: Freedom and the Internet Model
Ukrainian National Home NYC - Aug 13 2010
ISOC-NY President David Solomonoff addresses a monthly meeting of the Manhattan Libertarian Party.
Hunter Newby - Introduction to Allied Fiber
NYU - Jul 14 2010
Hunter Newby, CEO of Allied Fiber, presented an overview of the company's plan to encircle the entire USA with a dark fiber ring with carrier neutral access at any point.
NYC Council Open Government Data Hearing
250 Broadway NYC - Jun 21 2010
NYC Council Committee on Technology Public Hearing on the updated Open Government Data Bill Int. 029-2010
Diaspora Project developers roundtable with ISOC-NY
NYU NYC - Apr 22 2010
On Apr 22 2010 four NYU students briefed ISOC-NY on their response to Moglen’s Feb 5 talk – diaspora – a “privacy aware, personally controlled, do-it-all distributed open source social network”. The project went live on kickstarter the next day, where it eventually raised over $180k.
Jinyang Li – Censorship Circumvention via Kaleidoscope
NYU NYC - Mar 25 2010
Jinyang Li has developed censorship circumvention software called Kaleidoscope that uses social networks to spread the word about anonymous proxies via a trusted social network.
DVD 1725
Google, Technology and the Future of the Music Industry
Cardozo NYC - Feb 24 2010
A joint effort by the both the Art Law and the IP Law Societies at Cardozo School of Law, this Feb. 24 2010 panel set out to consider the implications/possibilities of the Google Books Settlement model as applied to the music industry.
DVD 1719
Eben Moglen - Freedom in the Cloud: Software Freedom, Privacy and Security for Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing
NYU - Feb 5 2010
Professor Moglen urges liberation from systematic spying via 'freedom boxes' - personal social media servers interacting over a distributed network, and challenges the tech community to make it happen.
DVD 1710
Google Book Settlement Workshop
UAW NYC - Jan 20 2010
A workshop to discuss the implications for writers of the proposed Google Books Settlement (GBS), which is the result of a class action brought by the Authors Guild. There was some urgency, as writers only had until Jan 28 2010 to opt out or object.
DVD 1704
New York Tech Council – Tech Trends for 2010
Pricewaterhousecoopers NYC - Jan 14 2010
The newly formed New York Technology Council held its second public meeting in the form of a panel discussion on the topic “Technology Trends for 2010“. Representatives of Google and Microsoft were joined by City Council member Gale Brewer to pontificate on what the new year might bring.
DVD (coming)
NYC Council Hearing on Innovation
City Hall NYC - Dec 16 2009
The NYC Council Committee on Technology in Government and Small Business held a joint public hearing to examine how small technology start-ups are surviving in this tough economy.
DVD (coming)
NYC Council Hearing on Net Neutrality
City Hall NYC - Nov 20 2009
The NYC Council Committee on Technology in Government held a public hearing to hear arguments pro and con the adoption of Res.712a which supports federal net neutrality principles / legislation.
DVD (coming)
Eben Moglen: Patent Law at a Crossroads: Bilski and Beyond
Cardozo NYC - Oct 12 2009
In advance of The Supreme Court hearing of arguments in the Bilski case - the outcome of which could directly effect the status of software patents - Eben Moglen of the Software Freedom Law Center gives an encapsulated history of how we got into the current tangle, and how we might escape.
DVD 1676
David Post: JEFFERSON’S MOOSE IN CYBERSPACE – Copyright & The Internet
Princeton Club NYC - Oct 12 2009
A lunchtime presentation by author David Post whose recent book emphasizes the urgency of copyright reform.
DVD 1671
William Patry: Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars
Cardozo NYC - Oct 12 2009
A lunchtime presentation by author William Patry whose new book calls for a rational approach to the problems of copyright reform.
DVD 1666
Civic Representation in ICANN: What Now? forum
NYU - Oct 8 2009
Radical changes are afoot in the structure of Generic Names Supporting Organization. This was a lively debate on the new proposals, featuring special guest Dr. Milton Mueller.
DVD (coming)
New York City Community Fiber Meeting – Wed 9/9/09
DCTV NYC - Sep 9 2009
Progress report, discussion, background, technical information on the innovative project to bring middle mile ownership to NYC citizens.
DVD (coming)
New York City Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) Meeting
DCTV NYC - July 28 2009
Members of the NYC tech community discuss the recently released Broadband Technology Opportunities Program
DVD (coming)
ICANN gTLD Implementation Consultation Session NYC
Millennium Hotel - July 13 2009
ICANN presented and discussed it's ongoing development process for new Top Level Domains
DVD (coming)
NYC Council - Open Data Standards
250 Broadway NYC - July 1 2009
A public hearing that discussed a council proposal, opposed by the Mayor, to make all possible municipal data publically available in open data formats.
David Bollier - “The Struggle to Build a Digital Republic”
Courant Institute NYU - May 18 2009
David discussed about the themes of his new book, Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own.
Richard Stallman - Copyright vs. Community
Cardozo School of Law NYC - Mar 31 2009
Richard suggests a radical rethink of copyright policy.
Has Divestiture Worked? A 25th Anniversary Assessment of the Breakup of AT&T
Courant Institute NYU - May 6 2009
The goal of this conference was to outline the history of the last 25 years, discuss the current market issues, then give a view of the future of broadband and telecom in the US
Andrew Raziej - Democracy, Civic Action, and Politics in a Networked World
Computers and Society @ NYU - Nov 19 2008
Lawrence Lessig - Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy.
Computers and Society @ NYU - Nov 9 2008
The content industry has convinced industry in general that extremism in copyright regulation is good for business and economic growth. In this talk, Professor Lessig describes the creative and profitable future that culture and industry could realize, if only we gave up IP extremism.
Douglas Rushkoff - Open Source Democracy
Computers and Society @ NYU - Nov 5 2008
Winner of the first Neil Postman award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity, Douglas Rushkoff is an author of ten best-selling books, a professor at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program and an award-winning documentarian who focuses on the ways people, cultures, and institutions create, share, and influence each other's values. His talk examined the cultural, historical, and economic developments that created our current system of governance, and outlined a path to open source democracy.
NYC Council Tech Committee Webcasting Hearing
250 Broadway NYC - Oct 29 2008 A public hearing on the proposal to webcast NYC City Council and other municipal meetings
John Perry Barlow - The first Internet election?
Computers and Society @ NYU - Oct 27 2008
dot nyc hearing - NYC City Council
250 Broadway NYC - Oct 15 2008
Fred Benenson - Creative Commons & Free Culture
Computers and Society @ NYU - Oct 9 2008
Fred Benenson - A brief history of copyright
Computers and Society @ NYU - Oct 6 2008
NYC City Council White Spaces hearing
City Hall NYC - Sep 29 2008
DVD 1438
Tim Westergren - The Future of Music and the State of Licensing Today
Computers and Society @ NYU - Sep 24 2008 In the opening lecture in Evan Korths NYU Computers and Society course Tim Westergren of Pandora discusses the Future of Music and the State of Licensing Today.
OneWebDay 2008
Washington Square Park, NYC - Sep 22 2008
Susan Crawford (founder - One Web Day) | Sree Sreenivasan (Columbia Journalism & WNBC-TV) |Andrew Baron (Rocketboom) | Craig Newmark (craigslist) | Dharma Dailey (Ethos Group) | Gale A. Brewer (NYC Council) | SJ Klein (OLPC) | Jonathan Zittrain (Harvard) | John Perry Barlow (EFF) | Tim Westergren (Pandora) | Lawrence Lessig (Stanford)
- The video is also is now available at
It needs to be transcribed in English, so that it can be translated to other languages. Volunteers?
NYC Broadband Study briefing
City Hall NYC - Jul 30 2008
Diamond Consultants was hired by the New York City Economic Development Corporation to determine the breadth of the digital divide in New York City and develop programs and initiatives to provide greater digital inclusion for all residents. Chris O'Brien, a Partner in Diamond's Public Sector practice, detailed Diamond's findings - and its recommendations for the City's next steps - to the NYC Broadband Advisory Committee at City Hall on July 30 2008. Afterwards members of the Committee and the public made comments.
Participation and Politics Online
NYU Law School - Jun 4 2008
This forum. presented by OneWebDay, ISOC-NY, and the Information Law Institute @ NYU during Internet Week NY, is part of the build up to a politically-minded OneWebDay on September 22, 2008. It brought together a variety of renowned scholars, thinkers, and activists to provide their perspectives on political engagement on the Net. The forum happened to occur on the day after Barack Obama clinched the presidential nomination.
Futures of the Internet
NYU Law School - Apr 16 2008
What will come of the next decade on the Internet? We often take for granted the state of the net today, but there's no guarantee that it will remain this way. Will the digital future be dystopian, or is there a brighter outlook ahead than some may believe? Our panelists - thinkers and net visionaries, with backgrounds ranging from art, law, technology, politics, media, culture, and entrepreneurship - provided their perspectives on the future of the net, and engaged with members of the audience to further the exploration of what lies ahead.
The Future of the Internet - And How to Stop It
Tribeca Grand NYC - Apr 11 2008
Jonathan Zittrain explains that the Internet and much of what is built on top of it is "generative" - it welcomes change from anyone, anywhere. The benefits of generativity are innovative output (new things that improve people's lives), and participatory input (the opportunity to connect with other people, work with them, and express oneself). But security issues online, like viruses, spyware, and invasions of privacy, will see this generative infrastructure replaced by fashionable "tethered appliances," including iPods, iPhones, Xboxes, and TiVos. These devices are not generative-they can't be modified easily by users, even as they are continuously regulated and controlled by their makers. Zittrain offers an accessible discussion of the looming problems of an "appliancized" future and provides a set of visionary solutions to help stop it.
The Future of WHOIS Policy
Jefferson Market Library NYC - Nov 8 2006
A panel discussion on WHOIS policy, moderated by Danny Younger. This is a contentious issue, involving tradeoffs between privacy, anonymity, and accountability. Panel members were: Jon Nevett, VP Policy & Ethics, Network Solutions; Wendy Seltzer, North American representative, ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee; Attorney Bruce A. McDonald, Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP; Jordyn Buchanan, Chair ICANN WHOIS Task Force; Jeff Neuman, Senior Director, Law, Advanced Services and Business Development, NeuStar Inc.; Rita Rodin, Member, ICANN Board of Directors. A Q&A session followed.
Free Software and Free Media
Jefferson Market Library NYC - May 3 2006
Eben Moglen, general counsel of the Free Software Foundation, gave a free ranging talk on the state of play of free (as in freedom) software, with a particular emphasis on the VOIP, and the recent implementation of the GPLv3.
What Price New York City Wireless: The Politics of Technology
Jefferson Market Library NYC - Mar 1 2006
A Public Forum with Gale A. Brewer, chair of the City's Technology Committee.
The Future Of The Net
NYU - May 14 2002 - Columbia Law Professor Eben Moglen prognosticates on cyberspace and free software.
Danny Younger
NYU - Feb 21 2002 - Danny Younger gave a general talk on ICANN, past, present, & future.
Richard Stallman - "Free Software: Freedom and Cooperation"
Stern School - May 29 2001 Stallman responds to an earlier talk by a Microsoft spokesman who had declared Free Software "bad for business".
George Sadowsky
NYU - Jan 17 2001 - George Sadowsky, a founder of ISOC-NY, and erstwhile ISOC trustee, gave a general talk on his thoughts on where the Internet was headed as we moved into the new millennium, with a particular emphasis on developing countries.
WBAI Town Hall
Dec 27th 2000 - . When the WBAI community radio station, in which IOSC-NY Lucia Ruedenberg-Wright's sister was involved, faced an existential threat, she called on the "isoc-ny-media group" to record and webcast the subsequent Town Hall
Community Panel
NYU - Mar 14 2000 - Panel Presentation: "Internet and the Community"