Here is video of Jonathan Zittrain’s talk last Friday:

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More info:
- Wikipedia: Jonathan Zittrain
- Oxford Internet Institute
- Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School
- Protecting the Internet Without Wrecking It – a recent article by Prof. Zittrain in the Boston Review
- From Zittrain to Aristotle in 600 words – a taxonomic elucidation from Tony Curzon Price
This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
The Zittrain article in Boston Review has responses by Stallman, Varian, Dave Clark, Bruce Owen, Roger Grimes, and….Susan Crawford. See:
Thanks Josh
I didn’t link there because it’s not a permalink – it’s a bit short-sighted of the BR not to link directly to the responses from the article itself eh? Or maybe it’s deliberate – they want to drive traffic to the front door.
Jonathan spoke on the same topic at a book release party at the Berkman Center 6 days later. Video is available.
He also spoke at Princeton. Video, very good Q&A starting 1 hour in.
An interview on ABC’s Ahead of the curve briefly summarizes his position.
Prof. Zittrain appeared on the Charlie Rose show on May 13 2008. Charlie asks excellent questions starting about 15 mins in:
Zittrain on The Colbert Report – June 17 2008
Jun 18 2008: Zittrain interview in Ars Technica
Commentary from Venkatesh Rao
A valid point but a bit of a doomsday scenario …
Everyone sound the alarms, the sky is falling. Not even close.
Scary scenario I think, hope it wount come to that in the future