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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 10:54 pm on 04/20/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    Video: The Crowd and the Cloud Symposium: Georgetown U. 4/20 

    The Communication, Culture and Technology Program at Georgetown University held a symposium The Crowd and the Cloud: Innovation, Collaboration, and the Next Phase of Computing today. The full day symposium explored how new developments in information technology and communications are enabling innovation to occur online, across national, corporate, and organizational boundaries.

    Some video is below:

    (More …)

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 2:05 am on 03/17/2010 Permalink | Reply
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    #ISOCDC Twitter Jam on “E-government 2020″ – Thurs 3/18 

    The ISOC-DC Chapter of the Internet Society is hosting an informal Internet 2020 Twitter Jam on “E-government 2020″ from 4:30-5:30 PM EST (22.30-23.30 UST) on Thursday, March 18.

    They’ll be debating how new Internet technologies, such as social media, virtual worlds, sensor nets, and crowdsourcing, will change the way governments–and democracy–work. Leading “E-government 2.0″ gurus, such as Steve Ressler from GovLoop and Bernie Lubran from ForeSee Results, will participate in person and other e-government experts from around the world will be online.

    To participate follow the Twitter hashtag #ISOCDC

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