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Internet Society New York Chapter
Internet Society New York Chapter
Video: Jim Gettys on #Bufferbloat @googletalks #Internet
A Google Tech Talk from April 26, 2011 from Jim Gettys of Bell Labs. Jim is well-known as one of the original developers of the X Window System, and has long been active in open source and internet standards. His recent experiences with immersive telepresence applications exposed systemic implementation errors in many Internet buffer and queue designs. He describes the journey of discovery in this talk.
Internet Society New York Chapter
Fast Company interviews @InternetSociety’s Lynn St. Amour on future of #Internet #INETny
On May 26 2011 Fast Company, as part of their futurist Crystal Ballin’ series, published an interview with Internet Society President Lynn St. Amour Envisioning The Omnipresent, Benevolent Internet Of The Future. Rather than “series of tubes” St Amour sees the Internet as a “series of building blocks”..
Some have suggested in the past that the Internet just wasn’t built to handle the vast structures it supports today, and that for security reasons, we ought to just scrap it and start over. Do you think that’ll ever happen?
I think any notion that scraps the Internet and starts from a clean slate is just a non-starter; we won’t be scrapping this Internet for many, many decades. That’s not to say there won’t be other Internets or other structures that both build on and evolve from this one. The Internet is basically a series of building blocks that allow future Internets and future applications. Cybersecurity often does mean a hardening down or locking out, under the guise of protection, but our advice is really to lean in to the real core of what’s made the Internet the Internet–its openness, its resiliency.
Lynn St Amour will, of course, be moderating the closing Cerf/Berners Lee/Strickling discussion at INET New York on June 14.
Internet Society New York Chapter
Towerstream announces Manhattan WiFi network #nyc #broadband #WiFi
According to Bloomberg WiMax ISP Towerstream has announced a scheme to install a network of about 1,000 outdoor wireless routers in Manhattan, and sell ‘hand off’ access to the system to wireless carriers to cover service gaps. The article states:
During a demonstration recently on the corner of West Broadway and Broome Street in New York’s SoHo district, an iPhone’s data speed leapt from .35 megabits per second to 26 Mbps.
Noting that the routers will cost $800 and Towerstream will pay up to $1k/month to rent locations the article details an earlier test of 200 routers:
Without any promotion, the network handled 20 million Web sessions by consumers who happened to spot Towerstream when trolling for a Wi-Fi connection. That’s a fifth of the Wi-Fi traffic generated by AT&T during the same three months at its hotspots, which include most Starbucks and McDonald’s.
Internet Society New York Chapter
Cisco predicts 400% growth in global IP traffic by 2015 #Internet #VNI
Cisco’s Virtual Networking Index, in a report Entering the Zettabyte Era (pdf) issued today Jun 1 2011, predicts that annual global IP traffic (Internet and non-Internet) will grow 400% by 2015 to reach 966 exabytes or nearly 1 zettabyte. The chart below represents Internet traffic.
Other predictions for 2015:
- There will be 3 billion global Internet users, with average bandwidth of 27mbps.
- The number of devices connected to IP networks will be twice as high as the global population.
- There will be 6 million Internet households worldwide generating over a terabyte per month in Internet traffic, up from just a few hundred thousand in 2010 (but most of them will be in Asia).
- Traffic from wireless devices will exceed traffic from wired devices.
- Peak traffic will be equivalent to 500 million people streaming a high-definition video continuously.
Over 60% of the traffic will be video, broken down as follows:
Interestingly the report tackles the topic of possible changes to the asymmetric bandwidth status quo:
With the exception of short-form video and video calling, most forms of Internet video do not have a large upstream component.
As a result, traffic is not becoming more symmetric as many expected when user-generated content first became popular. The emergence of subscribers as content producers is an extremely important social, economic, and cultural phenomenon, but subscribers still consume far more video than they produce. Upstream traffic has been flat as a percentage for several years, according to data from the participants in the Cisco VNI Usage program.
It appears likely that residential Internet traffic will remain asymmetric for the next few years. However, there are a number of scenarios that could result in a move toward increased symmetry.
• Content providers and distributors could adopt P2P as a distribution mechanism. There has been a strong case for P2P as a low-cost content delivery system for many years, yet most content providers and distributors have opted for direct distribution, with the exception of applications such as PPStream and PPLive in China, which offer live video streaming through P2P, and have had great success. If content providers in other regions follow suit, traffic could rapidly become highly symmetric.
• High-end video communications could accelerate, requiring symmetric bandwidth. PC-to-PC video calling is gaining momentum, and the nascent mobile video calling market appears to have promise. If high-end video calling becomes popular, this will move traffic toward symmetry again.Generally, if service providers provide ample upstream bandwidth, applications that use upstream capacity will begin to appear.
Internet Society New York Chapter
N.T.I.A. launches Digital Literacy Initiative #btop #education @NTIAgov
On May 13 2011 The U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) launched The site’s goal, in partnership with nine Federal agencies, is to function as an online hub for librarians, educators, and other digital literacy practitioners to share content and best practices. Additional content is expected from recipients of Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grants who are developing and implementing digital literacy training programs in their communities.
The site contains web 2.0 features that will support evolutionary improvement of its content.
- NTIA press release
Internet Society New York Chapter
World IPv6 Day – Jun 8 – Wrap up meetup at NYU announced #worldipv6day #ipv6 #nyc
On 8 June, 2011, the Internet Society will present World IPv6 Day. Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai and Limelight Networks will be amongst some of the major organisations that will offer their content over IPv6 for a 24-hour “test flightâ€. The goal of the Test Flight Day is to motivate organizations across the industry – Internet service providers, hardware makers, operating system vendors and web companies – to prepare their services for IPv6 to ensure a successful transition as IPv4 addresses run out.Since the day is based on UTC  it will conclude at 8pm EDT. ISOC-NY will present an informal wrap up meetup at NYU starting at 7pm EDT.  Among those who have promised to attend will be Sagi Brody of Webair who will give a brief talk on that company’s IPv6 implementation efforts.
(More …)-
ISOC-NY is happy to announce that this is a partner event in InternetWeekNY.More links:
- RIPE NCC World IPv6 Day Measurements
- RIPE NCC Eye Chart
- Microsoft: World IPv6 Day and Windows
- Google World IPv6 Day: firing up the engines on the new Internet protocol
- facebook World IPv6 Day: Solving the IP Address Chicken-and-Egg Challenge
- ARIN IPv6 Wiki
- Webilus WTF is IPv6?
ISOC’s Leslie Daigle appeared on the PBS Newshour later in the day.
Internet Society New York Chapter
Video: Cory Doctorow on copyright: “Every pirate wants to be an admiral” #freeculture
A short video Cory Doctorow recorded for The Guardian called “Every Pirate Wants to Be an Admiral,” in which he lays out the case for a less-restrictive copyright as better for culture.
Internet Society New York Chapter
UN Human Rights Council report on freedom of expression condemns Internet controls #netfreedom @UN_HRC
The 17th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council takes place in Geneva from 30 May – 17 June 2011. In preparation a number of reports have been filed, including one from Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression Frank de la Rue.
The report [pdf] “explores key trends and challenges to the right of all individuals to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds through the Internet”. It covers both content and access, and also examines what “exceptional circumstances under which the dissemination of certain types of information may be restricted”.
The report states:
States restrict, control, manipulate and censor content disseminated via the Internet without any legal basis, or on the basis of broad and ambiguous laws, without justifying the purpose of such actions; and/or in a manner that is clearly unnecessary and/or disproportionate to achieving the intended aim
The Special Rapporteur is of the view that the arbitrary use of criminal law to sanction legitimate expression constitutes one of the gravest forms of restriction to the right, as it not only creates a “chilling effectâ€, but also leads to other human rights violations, such as arbitrary detention and torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Noting recent cases of imprisonment of bloggers, the report suggests that defamation be decriminalized globally and that only incitements to violence can be legitimately blocked. Additionally
the Special Rapporteur reiterates that the right to freedom of expression includes expression of views and opinions that offend, shock or disturb.
The report criticizes heavy-handed copyright protection schemes while noting that the most recent drafts of the ACTA agreement have dropped the ‘3 strike’ disconnection provisions.
It calls for universal access noting that a BBC global poll in March 2010 “79% of those interviewed
in 26 countries believe that Internet access is a fundamental human right”The conclusions of the report are below:
(More …) -
Internet Society New York Chapter
Internet Society issues #eG8 press release – emphasizes multistakeholder approach @InternetSociety
The Internet Society has issued a press release in advance of the eg8 Forum in Paris. The release, issued in conjunction with the Number Resource Organization, the Internet Society France Chapter, ICANN, and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) calls on world leaders and governments to recognize the multistakeholder approach that has built the Internet, and to honor their commitment at the WSIS Summit in Tunis in 2005 to continue that process.
The release states:
A multistakeholder approach has helped to encourage the global Internet’s tremendous growth and is key to its continued development as a platform for innovation and economic progress in the developed and developing world. Without the full involvement of the organizations charged with the development, management and operation of the Internet, the future stability, growth and development of the Internet could be compromised. The same approach has proven to be the most effective when it comes to Internet policy development. Organizations representing civil society can also provide crucial guidance about to ensure the Internet supports social progress.
The ‘Internet Ecosystem’ of organizations and communities that guide the operation and development of the technologies and infrastructure that comprise the global Internet are currently leading the way on the deployment of technologies that will ensure the Internet continues to be a platform for innovation, economic development and social progress.
Internet Society New York Chapter
Video: Broadband Bridge community #mesh project in DC #broadband
The Broadband Bridge is a community based wireless mesh network program in the Bloomingdale & Eckington neighborhoods of Washington DC, supported by the Internet Society Community Grants Programme, to provide underserved people with free broadband wireless, computers, and digital literacy training.
David Vyorst of the DC Chapter has produced a brief explanatory video:
Internet Society New York Chapter
Video: Peering 101 – primer from Fred Cannone of @TELEHOUSE #internet
As revealed by the Level 3/Comcast contretemps late in 2011 the rules of peering are being upended as video becomes prevalent on the web and delivery networks own increasing degrees of backbone infrastructure. Peering itself is an esoteric subject. Here is a helpful primer - Unravel the Mystery of Peering – from Fred Cannone, Sales and Marketing Director, TELEHOUSE America.
Internet Society New York Chapter
Mapping the Hood Day – May 21, 2011 #NYC #nycwiki #bikenyc #gis #android @MappingTheHood
Mapping the Hood is conceived as a mapping initiative to define and empower New York City neighborhoods. It seeks to generate neighborhood maps by piggybacking on Transportation Alternatives’ 2011 Bikemonth. The maps will initially be displayed on, a dotNeighborhood’s development site. Later, with the activation of the .nyc TLD, they will be used in support of the city’s neighborhoods in sites such as,,…
This Saturday May 21 2011Â participating bikers will activate the My Tracks app on their Android phones, slip the phone in their pocket or backpack, circumnavigate their neighborhood (perhaps adding some ID pins), then email the My Tracks file to ConnectingNYC. Contributors will receive an invite to a ‘Mapaganzza’Â event later that day.
Internet Society New York Chapter
INET Colombo – May 23-24 2011 Sri Lanka @InternetSociety
The Internet Society, in collaboration with the ISOC Sri Lanka Chapter, will hold a regional conference in Colombo on 23-24 May, 2011. The conference, part of the Internet Society’s INET series of regional conferences, will be focused on the evolution of the Internet with the theme “Internet for All”.
What: INET Colombo – “Internet for All”
When: May 23-24 2011: 9am-5pm IST = 3.30am-11.30am UTC = 11.30pm-7.30am EDT
Where: Hilton Colombo
Webcast: live webcast. YouTube clips promised.
Hashtags: #INET | #INETcolombo. Twiitter search: INET Colombo
Site: presentation details are here. Additionally four full-day workshops will be held on 21-22 May at University of Colombo School of Computing.
Fathhi Mohamed
Thank you very much for giving us publicity… we are so keen to explore opportunities and collaborations to deliver better internet experience for the people who are living in this region..
We will be webcasting it live.. I’ll share the link in couple of days
The twitter Hashtag is #INETcolombo
- A nice set of photos:
Internet Society New York Chapter
Video: @nytechcouncil panel “The Pervasive Network” @sree @jfgrossen @jasonrosenblum @verizonwireless
Video of the New York Technology Council panel ‘The Pervasive Network‘ on May 3 2011.
- Sree Sreenivasan, Columbia Journalism Professor and Tech Columnist,
- Brian Higgins, Executive Director, Verizon Wireless
- J F Grossen, Creative Director, frog design; Instructor, Parsons New School for Design
- Jason S. Rosenblum, Director of Emerging & Mobile Products, Dow Jones
Download audio: [mp3]
Internet Society New York Chapter
Last minute surge of opposition to Verisign .net auto renewal #ICANN
The current .NET Registry Agreement between ICANN and Verisign is due to expire on 30 June 2011. On April 11 2011Â ICANN posted a proposed draft renewal agreement for public comment. Under the terms of the existing agreement, which contracted a 6 year term starting July 1 2005, renewal is automatic unless Verisign commits some egregious breach of terms. Although ICANN has made some tweaks this clause (4.2) is unchanged in the new draft.
In 2002 Verisign, which had in 2000 purchased the .com, .net, and .org registries agreed, under pressure from ICANN, to give up .org, and to compete on equal terms for the renewal .net in 2005 and .com in 2007 (.org eventually ended up being operated by the Public Interest Registry (PIR) on behalf of the Internet Society).
However Verisign still held an ace – it operated the root zone and, as they say, possession is nine/tenths of the law. Starting in 2004 Verisign also launched a barrage of lawsuits against ICANN, essentially challenging its authority and crippling it financially.
In early 2005, the ‘competitive process’ to assign .net took place. Verisign – in what was described as a deeply flawed process – won. Then, in October 2005, came the ‘monster deal‘ – Verisign dropped it’s lawsuits, gave up control of the root, and agreed to regulation of “non-registry services” in return for renewed 6 year contracts on .com and .net. What evidently wasn’t apparent at the time – as nobody appears to have commented on it, was that the wording in these contracts actually gave them control in perpetuity.
Thus, when the draft renewal agreement was announced in April 2011 it received little attention. However in just the last few days – the deadline for public comment was May 10 – suddenly a flurry of comment appeared. Correspondence, especially out of the North American Regional At-Large Organization (NARALO), of which ISOC-NY is an At-Large Structure, noted that under the 2009Â Affirmation of Commitments that gave ICANN its independence, it undertook to make decisions solely in the public interest through a multi-stakeholder bottom-up policy development model. It was also noted that ICANN’s partner in the AoC, the United States National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has itself recently demanded that ICANN perform economic studies before any further delegation of top level domains (TLDs) and also that ICANN provide “a thorough and reasoned explanation of decisions taken“.
At the monthly NARALO monthly meeting on May 9 the issue was raised of questioning the automatic renewal or, at least the renewal of the automatic renewal clause in the new contract, and also asking ICANN to clarify the process by which it came to be in the first place. There was enough concern expressed at the meeting  that Olivier Crepin-Leblond, chair of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) moved rapidly to contact the ICANN board support staff and gain a window – an extension until May 18 – for the ALAC to gather input from the At-Large community for a statement to present to the board in advance of its retreat May 20 -21 2011.
The draft of the statement is at – if you have further comments they can be added there (or below).  The deadline is tomorrow May 17 2011.
- Jul 5: Sean Michael Kerner Verisign Renews .NET (Datamation)
Internet Society New York Chapter
Personal Democracy Forum – Jun 5/6 NYU #PdF11 #opengov @pdfteam
The eighth annual Personal Democracy Forum will take place at NYU on June 6/7.
The theme for PdF 2011 is “Agents of Change”.
More info: plenaries | speakers
Hashtag: PdF11
Internet Society New York Chapter
Webcast: Senate Hearing on AT&T/T-Mobile merger – today May 11 10:15am #antitrust
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, has scheduled a hearing with the creative title: “The AT&T/T-Mobile Merger: Is Humpty Dumpty Being Put Back Together Again?” for Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 10:15 a.m. It will be webcast live. Giigi Sohn of Free Press will be among those speaking.
- 5/10 John Moe Will anything stop the AT&T-T-Mobile merger? (Marketplace) radio interview with Susan Crawford and Larry Downes
C-Span video
Internet Society New York Chapter
eG8 Forum (24-25 May, Paris) Request for Input from @InternetSociety #eG8
[Alert from Constance Bommelaer, Senior Manager – Strategic Global Engagement. Internet Society]
Just before the G8 meeting (26-27 May, Deauville) there will be an eG8 Forum (24-25 May, Paris) gathering the “leaders of the Internetâ€. Several I* organizations have been invited to participate (ICANN, W3C, IAB, ISOC, etc.), and we understand that the outcomes of the discussions of the eG8 (format tbd) will be submitted to the G8 itself. Regarding ISOC’s participation, we are pleased to advise that our President and CEO, Lynn St Amour, and our Chapter Delegate for France, Gérard Dantec, have been invited to be part of the eG8.
Themes of the eG8/G8:
The eG8 Forum is expected to cover a variety of issues including the “Internet and Growthâ€, “Internet and Societal issuesâ€, the “Future of the Internetâ€, “Innovation and Financing†and “Start-up Nationsâ€.What we hear from informal discussions with various stakeholders is that the preparatory process of the G8 included discussions on “Internet governanceâ€. The G8 summit in May will be followed by the G20 next autumn where Internet issues will again be discussed, and probably in more depth. This seems to indicate that our community will need to continue monitoring the G8 and G20 meetings in the future.
Possible input of the I* community
Unlike the OECD High-Level Meeting on the Internet Economy (June 2011, Paris) where stakeholders (e.g. ITAC, Internet Technical Advisory Community to the OECD) are associated to the preparation of the Communiqué, the G8 protocol is more formal. However, opportunities to contribute should include participation in the eG8 Plenary Sessions and the parallel workshops (list of participants tbc) and also publishing a press release.Our primary objectives at the eG8 Forum, in cooperation with the other I* organizations invited to attend, will be to:
- shed light on the role and the work of the Internet technical organizations;
- explain what the Internet ecosystem is and how the Internet works;
- emphasize the importance of the Open Internet: i.e. open standards, open processes and open innovation.
ISOC community’s involvement
Your thoughts on the themes listed above would be extremely valuable to us by Wednesday 18 May. Additionally, as soon as we will have developed our messages (e.g. press release) we will invite the ISOC community to echo them through their own networks.It is vital, in our view, to inform all forums addressing Internet-related issues about the multi-stakeholder nature of the Internet ecosystem, and, in particular, it seems that the G8 and G20 are environments where there would be great value in disseminating those messages.
Useful links: (factsheet)
- 5/5 Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry: The Truth About The eG8, The Huge Forum Of Tech CEOs And World Leaders (Business Insider)
Internet Society New York Chapter
OpenGov Camp NYC announced for Jun 5 #opengov #nyc
Open NY Forum will be hosting the third OpenGov Camp on June 5 2011. The event is in conjunction with the 2011 Personal Democracy Forum (PdF).
OpenGov Camp will ask three questions:
• Where is “local†Open Government going?
• How can we deepen the knowledge of what Open Government can be?
• What are the social and technical tools affecting Open Government’s development?What: OpenGov Camp
When: Sunday June 5 2011 : 10am-6pm
Where: CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, 219 West 40th Street, NYC
Who: Open to public. Cost $16.36
Hashtag: #OpenGovCamp
Site: http://opengovnyc.orgThis is a gathering born from the desire to share and learn in an open environment. It is an event with discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees. Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn are welcome and encouraged. When you come, be prepared to share. When you leave, you’ll leave with actionable strategies for building efficient and engaging social campaigns and technical tools.
Internet Society New York Chapter
INET NY announced for June 14 2011 – Vint Cerf, Tim Berners Lee, Larry Strickling to speak @InternetSociety
The Internet Society (ISOC) will present an INET Regional Conference on June 14 2011 at the Sentry Center in NYC. The theme is “It’s your call. What kind Of Internet do you want? “. The distinguished line up of speakers will include ‘Father of the Internet’ Vint Cerf, World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners Lee, and Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information at the U.S. Department of Commerce Lawrence Strickling.
What: INET New York
When: Tuesday June 14, 2011: 9am-5.30pm EDT
Where: Sentry Center, 730 Third Avenue, NY NY 10017
Who: ISOC Members $25, Others $50
Hashtag: #inetny
Event pages: facebook | Linked In | Meetup
Outreach: embeds | flyer
Online participation: webcast | | transcription
Shorturl: almost two billion people online, the Internet is a catalyst for boundless creativity and growth. But the decisions we make in the coming months and years will determine whether it remains a global platform for innovation and expression for people everywhere. Join us on June 14 as we set the agenda for the future of an open Internet. We’ll identify and examine the critical decisions that will shape the future of the Internet:
- Who will help define the Internet’s evolution?
- What role should government and private industry play?
- How do we provide greater bandwidth and access?
- What does online privacy mean in the age of Facebook and Wikileaks?
This is a unique opportunity to network with the thought leaders and policy makers who are designing the global networks of tomorrow and help develop the policies that will drive future Internet innovation. Space is limited so it is advisable to register a.s.a.p.
About the Internet Society
The Internet Society (ISOC) is a nonprofit organisation that is built on a network of over 80 local chapters around the world. We are dedicated to ensuring the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of people throughout the world. The Internet Society has organized the INET in cooperation with our New York Chapter to provide leadership in Internet related standards, education and policy.
- 4/19 Rory Cellan-Jones Sir Tim turns the tables (BBC) – video interview about Tim’s recent net neutrality initiative in the UK.
INET New York – Media Archive
INET New York. was held on Tuesday June 14 2011.
- Video webcast folder:
- Photos:
- Link to this archive:
- Full agenda:
- More info:
09:00 Opening remarks : webcast | transcript | mp3 | ogg
09:30 Keynote + Q&A: Sir Tim Berners-Lee : webcast | transcript | mp3 | ogg | YouTube
10:30 Panel: Pushing technology boundaries : webcast | transcript | mp3 | ogg
12:00 Lunch
13.00 Keynote + Q&A: Vint Cerf : webcast | transcript | mp3 | ogg | YouTube
13:30 Panel: People Power : webcast | transcript | mp3 | ogg
15:00 Keynote: Lawrence E. Strickling : webcast | transcript | mp3 | ogg
15:20 Panel: New Privacy Models : webcast | transcript | mp3 | ogg
16:30 Closing discussion : webcast | transcript | mp3 | ogg
17:25 Final remarks: mp3 | ogg
Internet Society New York Chapter
Judge rules non-creative email not copyrightable #freeculture
OUTLAW.COM reports a recent court decision in Los Angeles where one Kenneth Stern had sued for copyright infringement after an allegedly libelous email to a listserv was leaked to its subject.
Judge Dolly Gee said Stern’s email lacked originality and a copyright certificate he had obtained from the US Copyright Office was invalid as a consequence. The reproduction of Stern’s email was legitimate as it was in order to represent what Stern had written and not because it was a creative expression.
” [Stern’s] listserv post … displays no creativity whatsoever – its content is dictated solely by functional considerations. As [Stern] expression of his idea is indistinguishable from the idea itself, it is not entitled to copyright protection.” judge Dolly Gee said.
Stern argued that he had considered alternatives to the email’s wording, but the judge said that “trivial” alternatives did not show that the finished email merited copyright protection.
Judge Dee, stating that Stern had sought litigation in bad faith, awarded summary judgement for the defendants, and costs to be assessed.
Internet Society New York Chapter
Light Reading’s IPv6 2011: The Time Is Now! Conference – July 14 #NYC #IPv6
We invite you to join us at Light Reading’s IPv6 conference July 14 in NYC where Internet Society members get 20% off admission on top of the early bird discount of $100 off if you register by Friday May 13.
Light Reading’s IPv6 2011: The Time Is Now! conference debuts at a time when telecom service providers and their enterprise customers are confronting the end of the IPv4 era and the transition to IPv6, with its opportunities and challenges. This conference will inform the critical decisions that service providers and their customers need to make, both to address near-term challenges and to take advantage of longer-term opportunities for innovation and competitive advantage in the IPv6 world. It is designed to provide both groups with the latest information needed for the planning and execution of an IPv6 transition strategy, featuring industry leaders from the service provider and vendor community in a setting that will allow for practical discussion of the issues involved.
What: Light Reading’s IPv6 2011: The Time Is Now!
When: Thursday, July 14, 2011
Where: The Hilton New York, New York City, NY
Register: $319 before May 13: -
Internet Society New York Chapter
TechCrunch TV visits NY Tech Meetup #nytm #nyc
TechCrunch TV visited the April 2011 edition of the New York Tech MeetUp. Video below:
Internet Society New York Chapter
Freedom on the Net 2011 Report issued #freedom #freeculture
Freedom House has released Freedom on the Net 2011: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media – a new study on encroachments on internet freedom worldwide.
The study found that Estonia had the greatest degree of internet freedom among the countries examined, while the United States ranked second. Iran received the lowest score in the analysis. Eleven other countries received a ranking of Not Free, including Belarus, Burma, China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand. A number of important countries are seen as particularly vulnerable to deterioration in the coming 12 months: Jordan, Russia, Thailand, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
- 4/18 Amy Lee Internet Freedom Threatened By New Restrictions (HuffPo)