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  • joly 5:24 pm on 03/02/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , nyc   

    IGNITE NYC – Galapagos Thursday 3/4 

    DOORS: 6:30PM ($10.00 DONATION) | SHOW: 7:45PM

    In talks that are exactly five minutes long, Ignite NYC presenters share their personal and professional passions, using 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. Ignite NYC VIII goes global to join O’Reilly’s Global Ignite Week. from March 1-5, 2010, 50+ Ignites will take place in cities around the world. Upwards of 10,000 entrepreneurs, technologists, DIYers, creative professionals, and enthusiastic knowledge-seekers will gather in local pubs, theaters, and other convivial venues for an evening that is a unique blend of networking, information, and fun, encapsulated in the Ignite motto: “Enlighten us, but make it quick.”

    The NYC event will have 3 levels of entry:

  • If you pay the suggested donation of $10 or more, you will be let in first upon presenting your tickets at the door. You must arrive by 7 PM to be guaranteed a spot.
  • If you purchase a VIP seat for $40, you will get to sit in one of two “pods” directly in front of the stage.
  • Those who do not pay $10 or more will be on standby and will be let in at 7:20 PM upon availability.
  • joly 2:19 am on 02/16/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: nyc   

    Vote on NYC Cab video 

    Vote on which video you want to be greeted by when getting into a NYC cab..

  • joly 1:23 pm on 02/12/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , nyc   

    New Media Laws & New Federal Policies Summit: NYC 3/3 

    Save the date! (re-scheduled from the 2/8 “snow day”)
    The Summit:  New Media Laws & New Federal Policies

    March 3rd – 8:00 am – 10:00am

    As a follow up to a survey that was taken earlier, we have planned an essential event for new media companies.  You are invited to an intimate roundtable discussion on the effects of government policies, regulations and lobbying on young, tech-related companies.
    (More …)

  • joly 3:51 pm on 02/11/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , nyc, O'Reilly   

    O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing Conference 2010 – February 22 – 24, 2010, New York, NY 

    The O’Reilly TOC Conference will decipher the tools of change in this industry and help cut through the hype for a more profitable future in publishing. From authoring, editing, and layout to distribution and consumption, new technologies are changing all aspects of publishing. But which technologies are important? Which provide exciting business opportunities? And what are the strategic questions you need to consider in adopting new models? These questions and much more will be explored at TOC

    via About: O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing Conference 2010 – O’Reilly Conferences, February 22 – 24, 2010, New York, NY.

    • joly 3:52 pm on 02/11/2010 Permalink | Reply

      Although this conference is $1600+ to attend – there will likely be plenty of vid posted after the event. Below is a clip of Doglas Rushkoff from last year’s event:

  • joly 3:22 am on 02/05/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: big apps, , nyc   

    Mayor Bloomberg Announces Big Apps Winners 

    Tonight at the IAC headquarters building in NYC, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the winners of the Big Apps competition. Below is a list of the winners.
    (More …)

  • joly 11:02 pm on 02/04/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , coworking, hive at 55, nyc   

    Hive at 55 – New Downtown CoWorking Space 

    Those of us attending the NYC Tech Committee’s recent Innovation Hearing will have heard of The Hive at 55 – a new co-working space backed by the NYCEDC and the Downtown Alliance. It has also been written up in the New York Times.

    Recently Community Manager Brian DiFeo reached out to ISOC-NY and other local groups to offer the space for meetups. I finally got around to checking it out – it’s a beautiful space on the 13th floor of 55 Broad St. Totally convenient to 4/5, 2/3, N/R, J/M subways and well worth considering. There are large and small rooms all with WiFi and Projectors.

    I shot a little vid:

  • joly 2:29 am on 01/13/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: nyc, recycling, The Personal Computer Show,   

    The Personal Computer Show on WBAI – Jan 6 edition – New Thinkpads, PC recycling. 


    Summary: There is a huge security flaw in encrypted USB flash drives from three different companies. New Intel cpus integrate low end graphics processing. New Atom processors for netbooks increase battery life. Lenovo just started using AMD processors in their Thinkpads. As a result prices are dropping, but battery life will decrease. The new Thinkpad X100e is much cheaper than prior X series models. A new T series Thinkpad has a new battery offering 22 hours of battery life. To recycle an old computer see computerswithcauses.org. To securely erase files on a Windows computer you can use two free programs: Eraser at eraser.heidi.ie or Inferno at inferno.en.softonic.com. How to destroy a hard drive. Listener phone calls.

  • joly 4:17 pm on 01/12/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , nyc   

    Google Book Settlement Workshop in NYC on Jan. 20th 

    The Google Settlement — What it means for writers

    A FREE workshop will be held for writers in mid-town New York, Wednesday, Jan. 20 from 2-4:40 p.m.

    Are you out or in? Come get your questions answered.

    Hear the best-informed, best-known authorities on what the second version of the Google Book Search Settlement would mean for writers if it is approved by the court.  The second opt-out deadline is coming up a week after this seminar, so there is still time to figure out what’s best for you, personally, and then to act. This workshop will focus on the settlement and writers — just writers.

    Much of the public debate has settled on other aspects, like orphan books, yet we writers are still confused about what the proposed, new Book Rights Registry would mean for us.

    Sponsored jointly by the American Society of Journalists and Authors, ASJA, the National Writers Union, NWU, and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, SFWA.

    FREE but please tell us if you’re coming, either by calling 212-997-0947 or a quick e-mail to asjaoffice AT asja.org. (Put “Google settlement” in the subject line.)

    via Google Book Settlement Workshop in NYC on Jan. 20th.

  • joly 4:40 pm on 01/11/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , nyc   

    MTA to unveil new website on Wednesday 

    A NY Times story reveals that the MTA site is undergoing a refresh.

  • joly 12:12 pm on 12/31/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , nyc   

    Bloomberg taps aide Carole Wallace Post to head DoITTT 

    Carole Wallace PostCarole Wallace Post is the new commissioner of the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications.

    Bloomberg directed Post to “do a top-to-bottom review” of the agency and report back in 30 days.

    via Daily News.

  • joly 12:45 pm on 12/30/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , nyc, schools, V.H.S.   

    Brooklyn Schools join Virtual High School program 

    E.B.C. High School is one of 8 high schools in Brooklyn where students take some classes through virtual high school, or V.H.S., as part of a pilot program.

    V.H.S. Is a global network. Students at client schools share projects with students from other countries. They post their thoughts about what they are learning.

    The involvement of the Brooklyn schools is financed through a federal grant, and aimed at schools that need to improve student achievement. The investment will be evaluated after this school year, but V.H.S. says their website gets results.

    via Using technology to learn in school in Brooklyn – 12/28/09 – New York News and Tri-State News – 7online.com.

  • joly 9:28 pm on 12/28/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: news, nyc, , site   

    NY Tech Meetup launches news aggregation site 

    In light of the NY Tech Meetup community’s enthusiastic response to a recent call for newsletter announcements, Nate Westheimer and Brandon Diamond have decided to launch a NYTM news aggregation site (think digg, reddit, news.ycombinator.com, etc) for community news, product launches, and events.

    The site can be accessed at: http://news.nytm.org/

    This new tool provides a simple interface for posting, voting on, and discussing community news. The hope is that news.nytm.org will help the broader community showcase the high quality products and events that make the NY Tech Meetup quite so remarkable.

  • joly 12:24 pm on 12/21/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: collaboration, , nyc, tokyo   

    Synchro – NYC/Tokyo online musical collaboration event 

    A streaming music collaboration between Tokyo and NYC.
    Tues Dec 22 2009  (NYC)  / Weds Dec 23 (Tokyo)
    Neohachi vs Jeremy Slater (10:30pm, EST)  (12.30pm JST)
    Soundworm vs Nick Lesley (11:25pm, EST)   (01.25pm JST)
    Chihei Hatakeyama vs Brendon Andergg (12:20am, EST) (02:20pm JST)

    with video by Kazuhiro Nakamura (Tokyo) & Tomoyuki Kage (NYC)

    NYC location:  Supercore (Bedford @ S3rd, Williamsburg NYC) (map)

    Tokyo location: Loopline 日本〒151-0051, 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷1丁目21−6 (map)

    If you cannot attend the performance in either NYC or Tokyo, you can listen to the mix stream here:

    “Communication with music can reach beyond borders both defined and perceived. Expressing this to its fullest potential is a new interactive & music event called “Synchro.” Making the connections across two sides of the globe are Tokyo and New York. These two meccas of avant-garde and cutting edge technology will provide a base for this new challenge in online collaboration. A new object called Synchrobot will be present to document the event in real-time, adding an element of atmosphere and inter-connectedness for the sake of viewers and performers on both sides. Two graphic artists make different objects based on the same way of thinking. New York’s SUPERCORE and Tokyo live space LOOPLINE will be the launching pad for this truly unique musical vision. We are going to be ONE.”

    More info: http://bit.ly/6V0hX6 (facebook event)

  • joly 7:57 am on 12/16/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: nyc, ,   

    OpenNY Summit Videos 

    I’ve edited the lightning talks from last Friday’s OpenNY Summit lightning talk session

    More recordings from the event can be found at http://livestream.com/openny

  • joly 5:19 am on 12/16/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , nyc, ,   

    New York Technology Council launches 

    The New York Technology Council was founded by Donn Morrill, Paul Ellis and Ted Brown. Brown is executive director of the CUNY Institute of Software Design and Development and has spear-headed a program to place CUNY students into local technology internships by providing 1/3 of their pay, up to $1,000.

    The organization is also working closely with New York City Council Member Gale Brewer, the chair of the Committee on Technology in Government who said, “we are always looking for ways to make this city more tech friendly to business.”On the business side, the New York Technology Council has secured Google, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Verizon as sponsors, and are working with IBM to finalize an official partnership.

    In the short term, the goal is better coordination between the businesses, government and academic institutions already present in the city of New York.

    via NYConvergence – A digest of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut digital media technology news: New York Technology Council Sets Ambitious Goals.

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