Google Book Settlement Workshop in NYC on Jan. 20th
The Google Settlement — What it means for writers
A FREE workshop will be held for writers in mid-town New York, Wednesday, Jan. 20 from 2-4:40 p.m.
Are you out or in? Come get your questions answered.
Hear the best-informed, best-known authorities on what the second version of the Google Book Search Settlement would mean for writers if it is approved by the court. The second opt-out deadline is coming up a week after this seminar, so there is still time to figure out what’s best for you, personally, and then to act. This workshop will focus on the settlement and writers — just writers.
Much of the public debate has settled on other aspects, like orphan books, yet we writers are still confused about what the proposed, new Book Rights Registry would mean for us.
Sponsored jointly by the American Society of Journalists and Authors, ASJA, the National Writers Union, NWU, and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, SFWA.
FREE but please tell us if you’re coming, either by calling 212-997-0947 or a quick e-mail to asjaoffice AT (Put “Google settlement†in the subject line.)
isocny 12:09 am on 01/14/2010 Permalink |
Pamela Samuelson has published a paper on this topic: Google Book Search and the Future of Books in Cyberspace