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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 4:37 pm on 02/10/2017 Permalink | Reply
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    New York Internet Society Urges Public Hearing on Renewal of .nyc TLD Contract #dotnyc #newgtlds 


    New York Internet Society Urges Public Hearing on Renewal of .nyc TLD Contract

    The Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY)  is concerned about the future of the .nyc Top Level Domain (TLD). At its January 31, 2017 meeting, the Chapter passed the following resolution:

    “The Internet Society’s New York Chapter urges the city of New York to provide robust outreach and engagement opportunities for the city’s Internet stakeholder community prior to renewing the contract that will guide the operation of the .nyc TLD registry for the next 5 years.”

    A letter (pdf)  has been sent by ISOC-NY President Joly MacFie to Mayor DiBlasio, Public Advocate Letitia James, and other City officials, demanding a public consultation before the .nyc contract is renewed. 

    Borough President Gale Brewer deserves much credit for, as Chair of the City Council’s Technology Committee back in 2008, initiating a public process to manage the acquisition of the .nyc TLD, and continuing to champion it. However, in 2012, as the ICANN deadline approached,  the Bloomberg administration rushed through a contract with minimal public participation. As a sop, when .nyc finally launched in 2014, a ‘Community Advisory Board’ was named. But it was never given any teeth, and it was eventually disbanded.  Nevertheless community pressure had been sufficient to a) ensure neighborhood names were reserved, and b) institute a robust nexus policy. – i.e. only New York City denizens could register domains.

    In 2015-2016 the DeBlasio regime, to its credit, made some moves to roll out the neighborhood names, including model websites based on NYC open data. Sadly, these efforts appear to be flagging of late. Meanwhile the contractor Neustar is doing it’s best to recoup its investment by auctioning off ‘premium’ names to the highest bidder. Our research shows that many of these names are just being ‘parked’ by speculators rather than providing a real service to New Yorkers.

    Today, in New York City, no direct channels exist to enable our city’s Internet community to participate in shaping the future of this important and vital aspect of the City’s identity. In the wider world it has become accepted practice that Internet Governance succeeds via the multistakeholder governance process. As the initial 5 year operating contract comes to an end, it is vital that the city’s Internet stakeholders  – businesses, government, civic organizations, academia, individual Internet users, and residents – be provided with an opportunity to comment on the quality of service provided under the original 5 year term, and voice their hopes and expectations for .nyc’s operation in the coming years.

    In our call for public engagement in a contract review, we’d like to hear community input on issues such as:

    • Should there be a ‘use it or lose it’ policy, especially as applied to premium names?
    • Currently the public has the right to report nexus or whois violations, should they be able to report other abuses?
    • Neustar is being bought. Should the contract be renegotiated? Or put out to competitive bid?
    • How can the neighborhood and other reserved names be used to be improve civic life?
    • Should a portion of the name sales income be dedicated to support those efforts?
    • Can we get clear reporting on just how much money is changing hands?
    • Should there be some proxy system that protects the privacy of individual registrants, while preserving nexus?
    • How can .nyc be integrated into the future Internet of Things and Smart City functions to give them better public accessibility?
    • How do we make nexus enforcement efforts more transparent?
    • How can the .nyc tld best serve immigrant communities, especially those with limited language skills?
    • How can the .nyc tld best serve as a living repository of City communal knowledge/memory?
    • And more!

    Only a robust public discussion can ensure that the interests of New York City, and its people, are best served.

    Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) is one of more than 100 Internet Society Chapters around the world. Founded in 1997 ISOC-NY’s mission to assure the beneficial, open evolution of the global Internet, and to promote local initiatives and maximize the societal benefits which the Internet can bring to the New York community. https://isoc-ny.org

    The .nyc Top Level Domain or TLD is like .com, .org, .edu, and .gov but just for use by New York City’s residents and organizations. The city’s Department of Information Technology and Telecommunication oversees its operation, via its contractor, Neustar Inc. http://ownit.nyc

    Follow-up questions may be addressed to Joly MacFie, President of the New York Internet Society via president@isoc-ny.org, (218) 565 9365 or subject matter expert Thomas Lowenhaupt at Tom@connecting.nyc.

    • Tom Lowenhaupt 1:53 pm on 02/11/2017 Permalink | Reply

      Let me try to put a city-TLD, e.g., the .nyc TLD, into perspective by quoting Lewis Mumford who said in “The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects”

      “Through its concentration of physical and cultural power, the city heightened the tempo of human intercourse and translated its products into forms that could be stored and reproduced. Through its monuments, written records, and orderly habits of association, the city enlarged the scope of all human activities, extending them backwards and forwards in time. By means of its storage facilities (buildings, vaults, archives, monuments, tablets, books [and TLD], the city became capable of transmitting a complex culture from generation to generation, for it marshaled together not only the physical means but the human agents needed to pass on and enlarge this heritage. That remains the greatest of the city’s gifts. As compared with the complex human order of the city, our present ingenious electronic mechanisms for storing and transmitting information are crude and limited.”

      I added the TLD mid-quote, but it seems obvious Louis would have amended his thought were he alive.

      A city-TLD is infrastructure. Let’s press our leaders to that understanding.


      Tom Lowenhaupt, Secretary, ISOC-NY

      P.S. For more on this see http://connecting.nyc.

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 3:47 am on 03/24/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    #dotnyc was delegated to #IANA root zone on 3/20 #newgtlds #nyc 

    dot nycAlmost 13 years after it was first proposed in the Queens Community Board 3 Internet Empowerment Resolution, the .nyc top-level domain (TLD) was finally approved by ICANN and delegated to the IANA root zone on March 20 2014. The TLD is scheduled, under the management of contractor Neustar Inc, to begin rolling out second-level domains in stages, beginning in May 2014 with a sunrise period in which trademark owners get first dibs. General applications should be available in November 2014. It will be necessary to produce evidence of “nexus” with the City to apply for, and maintain a domain. A lengthy, as yet unfinalized, list of second-level domains will be reserved for use by the City and the local community. An advisory board has been appointed to oversee the TLD on the community’s behalf.

    For more information. Visit http://www.nic.nyc/

    Twitter: #dotnyc

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 4:32 pm on 12/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    VIDEO: #dotNYC Public Workshop and Info Session #ICANN #newgTLDs @nycdigital 

    600_310340982On Monday December 9 2013, NYC Digital hosted a .NYC Public Workshop and Info Session at Brooklyn Law School. The event was an open forum where citizens and business could become familiar with, and give input to, the opportunities provided by the approaching launch of the City’s own top level Internet domain. The meetup began with a presentation on .NYC by NYC Chief Digital Officer Rachel Haot and Neustar Vice President, Registry Services, Jeff Neuman. This was followed by group breakout sessions. Topics included: what is a TLD, .NYC launch plans, what .NYC means for your business or nonprofit organization, how to apply for a .NYC domain, and more. The event was webcast live on the Internet Society Chapters Livestream Channel. Video is below:


    View on YouTube: http://youtu.be/5HK1gO6cPBk
    Transcribe on AMARA: http://www.amara.org/en/videos/pa9Mfxx7Z46M/
    Twitter: #dotnyc
    More info: http://mydotnyc.com

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 5:03 am on 12/15/2012 Permalink | Reply
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    VIDEO: Mitigating DDoS Attacks: Best Practices for an Evolving Threat Landscape – NYC 12/5 #DDoS 

    Mitigating DDoS Attacks 12/5/2012The Internet Society’s New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) and the New York Technology Council (NYTECH) joined the Public Interest Registry (PIR) in presenting a midday symposium “Mitigating DDoS Attacks: Best Practices for an Evolving Threat Landscape” in New York City on December 5 2012. Participating organizations include Afilias, Google, Neustar, M3AAWG, Symantec, EFF, and De Natris Consult.   The event was webcast live via the Internet Society Chapters Livestream Channel. Audio / transcript links are below.  English Closed captions are available.
    Brian Cute – CEO, Public Interest Registry (PIR)

    Jeff Greene – Senior Policy Counsel, Symantec
    Ram Mohan – EVP & Chief Technology Officer, Afilias
    Damian Menscher — Security Engineer, Google
    Miguel Ramos – Senior Product Manager, Neustar
    Danny McPherson – Chief Security Officer, Verisign
    Jillian York – Director for International Freedom of Expression, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

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