ISOC-NY TV: Strengthening Online Safety: Encryption, Advocacy, and Global Security Practices

isoc ny tvOn Wednesday September 11 2024 the ISOC-NY TV show features a webinar from our Internet Society Online Safety Special Interest Group: ‘Strengthening Online Safety: Encryption, Advocacy, and Global Security Practices‘. Cybersecurity expert Nicolas Fiumarelli gives practical tips, and also explores the state of post-quantum cryptography.

What: ISOC-NY TV – Strengthening Online Safety: Encryption, Advocacy, and Global Security Practices
Where: Manhattan Neighborhood Network
When: Wednesday September 11 2024 2pm-3pm EDT | 18:00-19:00 UTC
Manhattan Cable: SPECTRUM 56 / 1996 | RCN 83 | FiOS 34
(if working!)

View on Youtube:


TWITTER: @isocny OnlineSafetySIG #onlinesafety #Encryption @godsway_kubigh @NicolasFiuma @ISOC_Community @isocghana @internetsociety #ISOCAlumni #captioned