ISOC-NY TV: Global Tech Outage: The need for Internet resilience

isoc ny tvOn Wednesday July 31 2024 the ISOC-NY TV show features a webinar, in the wake of the CrowdStrike global Windows outage, on how the Internet itself can be protected from such failures.

Referenced in the program:
Internet Society Online Safety Special Interest Group |Related blog post – Global Tech Outage Demonstrates Need for Resiliency in Software Systems | Internet Society Pulse |We Need To Rewild The Internet


What: ISOC-NY TV – Global Tech Outage: The need for Internet resilience
Where: Manhattan Neighborhood Network
When: Wednesday July 31 2024 2pm-3pm EDT | 18:00-19:00 UTC
Manhattan Cable: SPECTRUM 56 / 1996 | RCN 83 | FiOS 34
(if working!)

View on Youtube:

TWITTER: @isocny #OnlineSafety #TechResilience @danyork @kolkman @Godsway_kubigh