
Harlem Meeting 1/13/10

As you may be aware from our recent newsletter, the Internet Society has granted funds to The Harlem Computer/Internet Access Programme.

We are going to have an informal visit with the project leads next Wednesday, and would like to take this opportunity to invite anyone interested to come along.

What: Introduction to The Harlem Computer/Internet Access Programme
When: Weds 13 Jan 2010 – 6pm
Where: 10 W 138 St (off 5th Ave) (map)
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Internet Society Funds Projects to Expand Internet Access and Use

Community Grants Programme’s 10th round helps extend Internet’s reach and promote key technologies

[Washington, D.C., USA and Geneva, Switzerland–23 December 2009] The Internet Society (ISOC) today announced it is funding community-based projects around the world to promote Internet access and education in underserved communities, to track and highlight the deployment of IPv6–the next generation protocol key to the Internet’s continued growth, and to address issues such as online identity theft.

“These awards extend the Internet Society Community Grants Programme’s five-year tradition of providing tangible support for efforts by the Internet Society’s global community in realizing our shared vision that the Internet can be used to improve the life of people in all parts of the world,” said Jon McNerney, Chief Operating Officer of the Internet Society. “As the Internet becomes a larger part of everyday life in many parts of the world, it is even more important that we enable its use by the billions of people on every continent who today are without access.” Continue reading

NY Tech Community Holiday Party – 12/21/09

ISOC-NY is happy to once again be a community sponsor of the NY Tech Community Holiday Party. This is the premium event of the holiday season, if not the entire year, when the City’s tech community gets together to not just network and grab sponsor freebies, but to have a jolly good time. It’s always well attended so RSVP ASAP!!

What: NY Tech Community Holiday Party
When: Monday December 21 2009 7pm
Where: Forum, 127 Fourth Avenue (bet 12th & 13th)

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Electronic Recycling – November 22nd

upper_green_side Upper Green Side will be hosting an Electronics Recycling Event at the First Avenue Greenmarket this Sunday. They will be collecting cell phones, computers, laptops, copiers, fax machines, IPods and PDAs, modems, monitors, keyboards, mouses, printers, stereo and radio equipment, telephones and telephone equipment, televisions, typewriters, speakers, digital cameras, VCRs and DVD players. All e-waste collected will be recycled in an environmentally responsible manner here in the U.S.

WHAT: Electronics Recycling Event
WHEN: Sunday, November 22, 2009 – 8 a.m. to 3 PM
WHERE: West Side of First Avenue between 93rd & 94th Streets
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The Internet as Playground and Factory

10548-84430-16615-0On November 12 through 14, Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts hosted an international conference titled, “The Internet as Playground and Factory ,” exploring the meaning and changing face of labor in the digital era. The conference inaugurates Lang College’s new conference series, “The Politics of Digital Media.” Schedule.

Video interviews with participants are available . Video of some of the sessions is below.
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William Patry – Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars (video)

patry_bookThe Intellectual Property Law Society at Cardozo School of Law kicked off its annual program by inviting former faculty member William F. Patry, now Senior Copyright Counsel at Google, to give a lunchtime talk based on his new book – ‘Moral Panics and the Copyright Wars’ (Oxford University Press). Patry is one of the most prolific writers around on the copyright topic having authored the 7-volume “Patry on Copyright” – a definitive work. In the new book he argues that copyright is a utilitarian government program – not a property or moral right. As a government program, copyright must be regulated and held accountable to ensure it is effectively serving its public purpose. The talk was descriptive rather than prescriptive but served to delineate anomalous areas deserving of fixes. Patry also professed a fondness for the simpler schemas of the 1909 act.  Video/audio is available below.

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City issues RFP for .nyc management

NYCOct 5 2009: The NYC Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications (DoITT) has issued a Request for Proposals for “services to obtain, manage, administer, maintain and market the geographic Top Domain name .nyc.”

Proposals will be sealed and for a 5 year term with two 5 year renewal options. They must be submitted by 3pm on Nov 12 2009. Questions may be submitted to Vito Pulito at (212-788-6285) until 3pm on Oct 19, 2009.

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Civic Representation in ICANN: What Now? forum

icann logoWhat: An ISOC-NY Forum
When: Thurs Oct 8 2009 6:45pm – 8:45pm
Where: Warren Weaver Hall NYU
251 Mercer St Rm 317
New York NY 10012
Who: Dr Milton Mueller; Beau Brendler; Danny Younger

On Oct 1 2009 the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) entered a new era as its Joint Project Agreement (JPA) with the US Government expired and it became an independent global organization. In this forum we will examine the processes, currently in flux, of how we the people will get to participate in this new paradigm.

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Memefactory – NYU – 10-9-09

MemeFactory WHAT:  Memefactory is a performance for anyone who uses the internet. Whether you are perplexed by pictures of cats with awful spelling or spend over 9000 hours a week surfing image boards, we promise you’ll either learn something or explode from overexposure to lulz.

Three gentlemen with three computers and three projectors take the audience on a fast-paced and whirlwind tour of every major internet meme, famous piece of internet media and more YouTube footage that we care to admit over the course of one and one half of one hour. Biologist Richard Dawkins defines as meme as a unit of cultural transmission – in the general sense a meme can be any piece of information which travels between members of culture – for us, however, memes involve funny pictures of cats and people doing silly dances.

WHEN: October 9 7:30-9:00.

WHERE:  Warren Weaver Hall RM 109, (Free and Open to the Public)

WHO: What We Know So Far

WHY: Because it is not another academic lecture but lively performance filled with nothing but insight and humor for die-hard Internet memeologists and newbies alike. Take the plunge with the memefactory!
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Twitter and Iran – Forest Hills Library 10-10-09

queens_libraryIn a post OneWebDay event: Ali Emami will speak on the topic ‘Twitter and the Iranian Election Controversy’ at the Forest Hills Public Library in Queens on Sat Oct 10 at 2pm.

***Video is below***

What: ‘Twitter and the Iranian Election Controversy’
When: Sat Oct 10 2009 2pm
Where: Queens Forest Hill Public Library – 108-19 71 Avenue
Forest Hills, NY 1137 (map

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