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  • joly 7:18 am on 08/19/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , web, wired   

    Wired: The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet 

    A Wired article reports on the relative demise of the hypertext protocol as other means of content acquisition / delivery (i.e. apps) begin to predominate. A convenient diagram illustrates the point.

    The writers conclude:

    The wide-open Web of peer production, the so-called generative Web where everyone is free to create what they want, continues to thrive, driven by the nonmonetary incentives of expression, attention, reputation, and the like. But the notion of the Web as the ultimate marketplace for digital delivery is now in doubt.

    The Internet is the real revolution, as important as electricity; what we do with it is still evolving. As it moved from your desktop to your pocket, the nature of the Net changed. The delirious chaos of the open Web was an adolescent phase subsidized by industrial giants groping their way in a new world. Now they’re doing what industrialists do best — finding choke points. And by the looks of it, we’re loving it.

    • joly 7:48 am on 08/19/2010 Permalink | Reply

      The NY Times picks up on a Boing Boing story, that indicates that there is another way of looking at the data, as indicated on the chart below.

      Boing Boing notes: “Between 1995 and 2006, the total amount of Web traffic went from about 10 terabytes a month to 1,000,000 terabytes

      The Times concludes

      as more devices become connected to the Internet, even if they’re built to access beautiful walled gardens, like mobile apps or TV-specific interfaces, they will continue to access the Web too, enabling each platform to grow concurrently.

  • joly 1:13 pm on 12/31/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: literacy, , wired   

    Reading tripled from 1980 to 2008, thanks to ‘Net 

    “Reading, which was in decline due to the growth of television, tripled from 1980 to 2008, because it is the overwhelmingly preferred way to receive words on the Internet,” found a University of California at San Diego study (.pdf) published this month by Roger E. Bohn and James E. Short of the University of San Diego.

    Americans consumed 3.6 billion terabytes of information last year, averaging 11.8 hours of information consumption per day. Video and videogames constituted 55 percent of those bytes, but on average, Americans read 36 percent of the 100,500 words they consume each day, according to the San Diego study, which analyzed more than 20 data sources. The study doesn’t cover writing, but a simple glance at Facebook feeds reveals that we’re almost certainly writing more than we used to, as well.

    (via Wired)

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