WEBCAST: Students for Free Culture Conference Sat/Sun at New York Law School #fcx2013 #freeculture @NYLawSchool
The 2013 Students for Free Culture Conference will take place on April 20th and 21st, 2013 at New York Law School. Through panels and keynote speakers, FCX2013 will focus on current issues in intellectual property law, open access to educational resources, maker culture, and technology policy. Through workshops, the conference will revisit the core pillars of the free culture movement, examine the success stories from our movement, and identify new ways in which Students for Free Culture can advocate for a more free, open, and participatory digital environment. Admission is free. ISOC-NY will provide streaming via the Internet Society Chapters Webcasting Channel.
What: FCX2013: Students for Free Culture Conference
Where: New York Law School, 185 West Broadway, New York, NY
When: Saturday, April 20, 2013 – Sunday, April 21, 2013
Program: http://fcx2013.org/fcxprogram.html
Webcast: http://bit.ly/isoctv
Register: http://fcx2013.eventbrite.com
Twitter: #fcx2013
Mansoor Ahmed 4:44 pm on 04/18/2013 Permalink |
Missed this event oops !
joly 4:44 pm on 04/20/2013 Permalink |
ISOC-NY webcasts from Sat afternoon
James Vasile http://livestre.am/4qE7p (starts 19 mins in)
Makers, Hackers, and the World They Build http://livestre.am/4qEk3
Online Speech and Its Regulation http://livestre.am/4qLjX