WEBCAST TODAY: ​ The Self Governing Internet – Celebrating the #IANA transition and #ICANN reforms #IANAsteward @IGPAlert @sppgatech
On October 26 2016 the Internet Governance Project at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Public Policy presented The Self Governing Internet – Celebrating the IANA transition and ICANN reforms in Atlanta. Special honoree will Assistant Secretary Lawrence Strickling, receiving recognition for his persistent and principled commitment to putting “the global multistakeholder community†in charge of IANA and ICANN. The event also featured remarks on the long term implications of the transition by a panel of experts, including Internet Architecture Board Chair Andrew Sullivan, Georgia Tech professors Milton Mueller and Peter Swire, the Internet Society’s Senior Policy Advisor Konstantinos Komaitis, and Verisign’s Vice President for public policy and government Keith Drazek. An edited version of the event will be webcast at 7pm today on the Internet Society Livestream Channel. Twitter: @igpalert https://twitter.com/IGPAlert.
Watch on livestream: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/igpalert
Ronald Baione-Doda 12:03 am on 10/26/2016 Permalink |
The Self Governing Internet: Complete with no updated whistleblower process, at least until June 2017. At that time the process will still be an internally reviewed phone call-in process, just more trustworthy than the phone call-in process is now… wait, so if the process isn’t 100% trustworthy now… and the new process won’t be ready for 9 more months…
CCWG_WS2_Transp Report.docx
What effective whistleblower process has any kind of review by those within the same entity? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of the term “whistleblower”. Why wait 9 months to have that process completed in the first place? Why not have the whistleblower process ready on day 1 (Oct 1)?
I’ve requested answers to these questions from those in government at at ICANN who should know the answers, I was provided the links above as their response, but that’s it, there is zero ability on behalf of the multistakeholder community to answer any of the questions you see in this comment. If the U.S. media was acting as the 4th estate maybe they could access their unique investigative abilities and verify the process.