WEBCAST MON pm + WED am: Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference in Ottawa, Canada #OttawaGIJC @IJurisdiction w/@KathrynCBrown @VGCerf @RMack @anriette #shapetomorrow
This week, Monday-Wednesday February 26-28 2018, the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network and the Government of Canada host the 2nd Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference in Ottawa, Canada. Representatives from a wide range of stakeholder groups will address one of the great global governance challenges of today: how to manage the coexistence of national laws on the internet and, at the same time, work toward the development of policy standards and operational solutions to fight abuses, protect human rights, and enable the global digital economy. Speakers: Kathy Brown, President & CEO, Internet Society, Vint Cerf, Co-Founder, Internet Society, Nii Quaynor, Internet Hall of Fame, Rebecca MacKinnon, Director of Ranking Digital Rights, New America Foundation, Anriette Esterhuysen, Director of Policy and Strategy, Association for Progressive Communications; Joseph Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy, plus senior representatives of many countries and corporations. Plenary sessions will be webcast live via YouTube. Ottawa is on EST, same as NYC (UTC-5).
What: Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference
Where: Ottawa, Canada
When: Monday-Wednesday February 26-28 2018
Program: https://conference.internetjurisdiction.net/program/
Webcast: https://www.youtube.com/user/InternetJurisdiction/live (Mon pm + Wed am) (No captions)
Twitter: #OttawaGIJC http://bit.ly/ottawaGIJC
Vrikson Ivan Acosta Velasquez 11:26 am on 02/26/2018 Permalink |
What are the time frames that the event will be broadcasted on monday afternoon and on wednesday morning?
joly 11:58 am on 02/26/2018 Permalink |
See the program https://conference.internetjurisdiction.net/program/
Mon 19:00 – 23:30 UTC
Wed 14:00 -18:00 UTC