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  • Internet Society New York Chapter 1:07 pm on 06/01/2012 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: addressing, CEPT, , RIPE, , WTSA   

    REPORT: CEPT meeting on WCIT & WTSA (22-25 May 2012) @InternetSociety #WCIT #WTSA 

    Internet SocietyThe Internet Society (ISOC) participated in the CEPT Com-ITU meeting in Copenhagen on 22-25 May 2012. The CEPT is coordinating the european regional preparations for the 2012 World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) as well as the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA).

    The objective of this meeting was to prepare the CEPT submission to the next ITU Council Working Group on WCIT and to move forward with European Common Proposals (ECPs) for WCIT and WTSA.

    Please find at the following link a report of the ISOC team’s observations at the meeting: CEPT ComITU May2012 report

    The Internet Society, RIPE NCC and ICANN made a joint submission to this meeting regarding Calling Line Identification proposals for the ITRs, which resulted in a revised European Common Proposal explicitly ruling out IP addresses from the scope of the article. The CEPT also took on board a suggestion made by ISOC on cybersecurity, which resulted in the inclusion of the notion that the ITU should cooperate with all relevant stakeholders on cybersecurity frameworks and issues (revised WTSA Resolution 50).

    The next CEPT preparatory meeting is scheduled for 10-14 September, and should be held in Copenhagen.

  • Internet Society New York Chapter 1:25 am on 08/14/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: addressing,   

    The Economist on the Internet of Things – any moment now.. #IoT 

    A  blog post from The Economist – The Economist - examines the development, or lack thereof, of the Internet of Things (IoT), much proselytised by Vint Cerf, where all mundane objects are addressable. Various factors have slowed down the process: slow uptake of IPv6; security concerns. Nevertheless the future looks bright:

    All the big telecoms firms are getting into this new “machine-to-machine” business. Over the past three months, America’s two largest wireless carriers, Verizon and AT&T, have added more connected devices (2.6m between them) than human subscribers (1.2m) to their cellular networks. There are still only 20m connected devices in North America, compared with more than 300m mobile subscribers. But now that everyone who is likely to own a mobile phone has one, connecting things rather than people is where the carriers expect to get their future growth.

    By one reckoning, there could be 50 billion connected devices worldwide by 2020. Such a forecast was deemed wildly optimistic a year or two ago. Today, it seems almost pessimistic. Since the free Linux operating system is used widely to manage internet-connected devices, Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation, takes a special interest in the IoT’s future. By his reckoning, the coming decade could see two trillion devices being connected to the internet.

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