@Motherboard’s @mattbraga interviews Vint Cerf about the #InternetofShit @CHSCanada #GetConnectedEvent @vgcerf
Matt Braga of Vice Motherboard Canada interviewed Vint Cerf at the Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) Get CONNECTED: Social Interactive Event in Toronto in September 2015. Despite the video’s title – Vint Cerf and the Internet of Shit - and as might be expected given the event’s theme, the topics were mainly access and connectivity. Video is below, and as also might be expected given the organizer, it has closed captions.
*View on YouTube:https://youtu.be/soV7-gwxarE
*View on Motherboard:Â http://motherboard.vice.com/read/we-talked-about-refrigerators-with-vint-cerf-father-of-the-internet
*Audio of full interview (starts at 10:56): https://soundcloud.com/motherboard/vint-cerf-peeple-and-elementary-school-sci-fi
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