Register for @OpenITP Techno-Activism 3rd Monday Inaugural Party 12/17 #netfreedom
The Open Internet Tools project is throwing a party on Monday December 17 to kick-off their first Techno-Activism Third Mondays.
This is an informal meetup designed to connect techno-activists and hacktivists in the New York area who work on or with circumvention tools, and are interested in anti-censorship and anti-surveillance tech.The event will start at 6:30pm @ the OpenITP SOHO offices. Yummy goodies and drinks will be served. Internet will also be provided for those who want to hack projects. However, the main goal of the event is to create synergies between those New Yorkers who are most passionate about keeping the internet open and free.
What: Inaugural Techno-Activism 3rd Monday
When: Monday, December 17, 2012 at 6:30 PM (EST)
Where: New America Foundation, 199 Lafayette Street, Suite 3b. NYC
Contact: Sandra @