Video: Hot Links – After Flava Works, Will Linking Burn You? @theCSUSA #copyright #linking
On November 12, 2012 the Copyright Society of the USA NY Chapter presented: Hot Links – After Flava Works, Will Linking Burn You? at The Princeton Club in NYC.
Panelists explored the recent Flava Works vs MyVidster decision in the Seventh Circuit on liability for in-line linking, contrasting it to the Ninth Circuit’s holding in Perfect 10, and expanding the discussion to online copyright linking more generally, a la Pinterest, etc., any “bright lines” that do or do not exist in this area, and the potential commercial impact of court rulings on linking. Professor Eva Subotnik of St. John’s Law School moderated, with panelists Greg Leighton of Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP (counsel for defendant in Flava Works) and Marty Schwimmer of Leason Ellis (pioneering IP blogger).
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joly 10:00 am on 11/29/2012 Permalink |