THE NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN: One Year Later – DC 3/18 #broadband
The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) and Georgetown University’s Communication Culture and Technology Program will present a one day confrence THE NATIONAL BROADBAND PLAN: One Year Later at Georgetown University in Washington, DC on Friday, March 18. Details as to the agenda and location will be available soon. Please save the date.
The FCC’s National Broadband Plan was released on March 16, 2010. It laid out a number of ambitious long-term goals, including that 100 million US households would have affordable access to 100mbps broadband service within a decade and that the US should be the world leader on mobile broadband innovation with the fastest and most extensive wireless networks of any nation. After a year, is the Plan “on track� What is the state of broadband in America in 2011? What has been accomplished and what are the major next steps in the implementation of the Plan? Have any of the facts, circumstances and analyses that underlie the NBP changed in such a way that the Plan itself needs to be amended? How will the Plan be administered and updated over the next decade?