Video: Why Viacom v. YouTube Matters (Besides the $1 Billion)
The Copyright Society of the U.S.A. New York Chapter Panel: Why Viacom v. YouTube Matters (Besides the $1 Billion) at the Princeton Club NYC on Nov 18 2010. While YouTube won a summary judgement in this case, it is under appeal. The panel was tasked, rather than making appellate cases, with discussing the implications of the decision. Nevertheless much of the meat of the arguments was chewed at this lunchtime event.
Panel: Cliff Sloan (Partner, Skadden Arps), Daniel Blackman (Co-founder, Howcast, and formerly of Google), Michael Kwun (Of Counsel, Keker & Van Nest), Thomas Sydnor (Director of the Center for the Study of Digital Property at The Progress & Freedom Foundation), Moderated by Professor James Grimmelmann (New York Law School)
joly 6:48 am on 11/29/2010 Permalink |
YouTube links:
02:10 James Grimmelmann
09:14 Thomas Sydner
21:58 Cliff Sloan
30:08 Michael Kwun
40:49 Daniel Blackman
50:21 Q&A