VIDEO: @ISOCDC WCIT Post Mortem #WCIT #netfreedom #openinternet @ITU #HandsOffInternet

ISOC-DCOn Wednesday, December 19, 2012 the Washington DC Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC-DC) presented a WCIT Post Mortem to contemplate the recent  World Conference on International Telecommunications  in Dubai and the new International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs) that were drafted there, leading to a lack of consensus among the attending member states. The event was webcast live via the Internet Society Chapters Webcasting Channel and is archived on the ISOC DC YouTube Channel and can be seen below.


Moderator:  Laura DeNardis, Ph.D. – Professor, Author, Internet Governance Scholar
The Honorable Terry Kramer – U.S. Ambassador, Head of Delegation, World Conference on International Telecommunications at U.S. Department of State
Sally Wentworth – Senior Manager of Public Policy, The Internet Society
Harold Feld – Senior Vice President, Public Knowledge
J. Beckwith Burr – Deputy General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer, Neustar, Inc.