
MEETUP: Richard Stallman address to @hackNY and NYC Technological Community at NYU Monday 8/5

St. IgnutiusOn Saturday August 3 2013, Richard M. Stallman, author of the EMACS text editor, inventor of the GNU operating system on which Linux is based, and founder of the Free Software Foundation, will be inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame. Two days later, on Monday August 5 2013 he will be here in NYC to speak at an Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) and hackNY sponsored event at the Courant Institute at NYU. Richard Stallman will address the NYC technological community, including hackNY’s summer fellows, on the importance of utilizing and creating free and open software solutions, and opposing restrictive intellectual property regimes.

The event is open to the public and attendees are encouraged to register via the ISOC-NY meetup link. It will be recorded for later webcast.

What: Richard Stallman address to hackNY and NYC Technological Community
Where: Rm. 109, Courant Institute, Warren Weaver Hall, NYU, 251 Mercer St, New York, NY 10012
When: Monday August 5 2013 7pm- 9pm EDT
Webcast: Will be recorded.
Twitter: #hackny, #stallman
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Tuesday 3/26/2013 ISOC-NY Event: “It’s the Web, Tim, but not as we know it”

island-colorOn Tuesday March 26 2013, at Thoughtworks NYC office, the Internet Society’s New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) will present “It’s the Web, Tim, but not as we know it” in which guest Michiel de Jong will explain unhosted, an open source solution for privacy and security in the cloud. The event is public, wheelchair accessible, and free.

The web started out as a platform for static documents. It then evolved into a platform for hosted software, that runs “in the cloud”, outside the user’s control. But html5 technology allows for a new option: “unhosted web apps”. Like documents, unhosted web apps are served as static content, which makes them cheap to publish. But like hosted software, they can have all the interactive functionality of a software application. In this new paradigm, the web is used to deliver the source code of the application, rather than delivering its user interface. Two years ago Michiel de Jong quit his day job as a scalability engineer, to work on free technology in exchange for donations. He now lives as a digital nomad and will be giving this talk remotely. This is a followup to the 2012 ISOC-NY/NYTECH event “New Techniques for Protecting Cloud Data and Security

What: “It’s the Web, Tim, but not as we know it
Where: Thoughtworks, 99 Madison Ave, 15th Floor (between West 29th and 30th Streets), New York NY 10016
When: Tuesday March 26 2013 6.30pm EDT
Webcast: will be recorded
Register: Either via our meetup page, or direct RSVP to David Solomonoff at
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