
WEDNESDAY: ISOC-NY joint meetup with Augmented Reality New York

ISOC-AVR Members of the Internet Society’s New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) are actively engaged in helping form a new Augmented and Virtual Reality Chapter. The first associated event will be a joint meetup with the ARNY – Augmented Reality New York this Wednesday April 24 2013. This is a well-attended monthly event with a full program of briefings and demos, and should be an eye opener for anyone wishing to learn more about this field.

What: ARNY – Augmented Reality New York Monthly Meetup
Where: Thoughtworks, 99 Madison Ave, 15th Floor (at 29th St)
When: April 24 2013 7pm
Agenda: http://www.meetup.com/ARNY-Augmented-Reality-New-York/events/96323692/
Register: ISOC-NY meetup or email president at isoc-ny.org (free)
Webcast: Will be recorded
Twitter: #ARNY | #ISOCAVR

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