
Cerf, Zittrain & Lessig talk @ Google

Jonathon Zittrain & Larry LessigBack in March, introduced by Vint Cerf, Jonathan Zittrain and Larry Lessig gave a talk at Google’s Washington DC offices. Google has, possibly encouraged by its Viacom harassment, just posted the video up on YouTube. About 58 minutes in, after Zittrain has given his book synopsis – with which I trust we are all now familiar, Lessig, drawing on earlier ‘Z theory’, gets into the meat of exactly the privacy issues recently highlighted by Viacom’s actions.

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NJ court rules that IP addresses are private

A US court has ruled that users have a “reasonable expectation of privacy” in their internet surfing records and that police must obtain warrants from higher than usual courts in order to force ISPs to hand over records. However there was no requirement to inform the subject of such a request that it had been carried out.

The Supreme Court of the state of New Jersey said that information about a person’s use of the internet was so private that police there cannot order ISPs to release surfing details of suspects with a municipal court subpoena. They must receive a grand jury subpoena, it said. Continue reading