- See FTC Workshop Transcript for index
Remarks By Commissioner Leibowitz
FTC Commissioner Leibowitz Delivers Remarks.
Thank you so much, Maureen. If everyone will get seated, that would be great
and I'll get started. Let me first actually start by congratulating Maureen
Ohlhausen and her staff for putting together a forum where many of the most
important members of the network neutrality debate get to air their positions in
front of their most knowledgeable and determined critics. It's important because
to some extent, the debate has been about; it's really been a battle of sort of
utopian worlds where each side warns of the misery and wretchedness to come if
we don't listen to this. Now, some of the fears are legitimate but as I listened to
the debate over the past few months it seems to me that each side listens to the
other side, sort of just enough to mock it. In order for us to move the debate
forward we need to listen respectfully to the worst case scenarios identified by
the proponents and opponents of net neutrality and absorb the kernels of truth
and there are many kernels of truth from each. I hope the panels are rested
today and tomorrow, we'll help us to get to a policy solution we can all agree with.
Or, failing that, one that at least won't keep us up at night worrying. I was here
this morning and I watched the first panel and it seems to me that was -- it was a
very good start. I'm not so sure about the second panel but we'll try to make the
third panel respectful in a way that perhaps the second panel, issues came up in
the second panel, hopefully they won't in the third. First, I should say, as we
always do as commissioners that my comments today reflect only my own
opinion, and not the commission's or that of any other commissioner. Before I
talk about competing nightmare scenarios let me talk about what we should all
have in common. Consumer rights on the internet, should the very least include
the four internet freedoms identified by former SEC Chairman Michael Powell in
2004. Consumers must be free to, one, access their choice of leader content.
Two, run any internet applications they choose. Three, attach any device they
choose to any connection in their homes. And four, receive meaningful
information regarding their service plans. These four internet freedoms are, it
seems to me, table space. Any set of principles regarding consumer rights on
the internet should require all companies and really all entities to ante up. The
fourth freedom is particularly important to us at the FTC. Though I'm told that
somewhat less important to the folks at the FCC recently. That was a joke. I
know you're a geeky audience. Some of the most critical issues regarding the
internet involve transparency and disclosure. Will carriers slow down or interfere
with applications or services? If so, will consumers be told about this before they
sign up? To my mind, failure to disclose such materials, terms or conditions
should be considered unfair, deceptive and in violation of the FTC act. Does
anybody disagree with that? Okay, we have unanimity. Very respectful. Beyond
those four freedoms things get more complicated. Right now, the last mile to the
internet is its least competitive. Nearly all homes in the U.S. that get broadband,
I think it's upwards of 98%, receive it either from their cable or telephone
company. Among those who do have access, many have no choice among
providers because only one firm offers broadband to their community. Some fear
this lack of competition will translate into reduced innovation elsewhere on the
internet. In one version of this utopian world, without net neutrality brand
providers connect through the internet both a slow lane and fast lane. In this
world, emerging YouTubes and E-musics may have to negotiate these
characters -- carriers. (laughter) Sorry Freudian slip -- not a Freudian slip. The
carriers could be high toll gatekeepers who would effectively block these new
entrance from reaching their own customers at a faster speed which could mean
not reaching them effectively at all. Taken to its logical extreme these new
companies could be required to negotiate rates and terms with every single
broadband provider in every single neighborhood across the country simply to
reach the very same consumers that they can reach today. This could turn the
internet into a broadband anti-commons where new applications never see the
light of day even though their value to consumers could potentially far outstrip
costs because the costs of negotiating deals and the costs of the deals
themselves with each carrier would likely exceed the profits from the services. In
this utopian view of the future the internet simply runs in place, stuck where it is.
It may run faster, but the available content and applications stop growing and
creativity atrophies because of the inability of startups, especially to reach
consumers quickly and inexpensively. My focus on this world because much of
the innovation that's occurred on the web has been premised on its special
economics where once you get your content or application on the internet you
can reach potentially and at low cost billions of people. These economics make
possible the phenomenon of the long tail business model. In the long tail
business model a product can succeed even if only a small percentage of people
are interested in it because so many people have access. According to Chris
Anderson who coined this term, many of Amazon's book sales, perhaps as much
as a 1/4 or more, come from books so unpopular, that Barnes and Noble doesn't
even carry them in their superstores. My guess is the percentage of movies
carried by Netflix is probably much higher than that 25%, than the percentage
carried by the local Blockbuster or its competitor. This type of business model
and the accompanying array of choices that give the internet its vibrancy could
be threatened if cyberspace is subdivided by broadband gatekeepers imposing a
rash of fees, conditions and surcharges. In response to this vision of misery and
wretchedness the broadband providers say this. We have no incentive to treat
our own customers so badly. They do have a point. For example, why would
Verizon block Google if that would make consumers less interested in Verizon
services? This argument is particularly compelling when there is competition
among broadband providers. Consumers could simply switch to a provider that
sells better services. This notion that consumers buy more of what they like than
what they don't also resonates with many at the commission and its implications
should not be ignored. But it's persuasive only if the broadband gatekeepers
have a good idea of which new internet products and services will succeed. The
success of YouTube and other firms like it is really a testament to the power of
competitive markets to deliver value to consumers even where that value might
be hard to predict. Does anyone really believe that cable companies or certainly
FTC commissioners could ever have seen the success of YouTube? I'm not
even sure the founders of YouTube knew just how successful they would be.
Frankly, broadband providers do not have a history of being particularly
interested in or good at developing new applications or content. Whatever their
theoretical incentives the real world risk of leaving this decision in the hand of the
broadband providers is they may not get it and you could never quantify the
harm. Consumers would nevertheless live with a less innovative and less
magical content and less magical internet. On the other hand, the broadband
providers can present utopian visions of their own. In their utopian world net
neutrality would prohibit them from using their own wires and potentially the most
pro-competitive ways. Many of these companies also argue that they are
spending enormous sums of money to wire communities because of the profits
they expect to make from selling combined television, telephone and broadband
services over those wires. And if they can charge higher prices for these
services they may not be able to justify big investments in broadband. To be
sure, there has certainly been a lot of new investment in the last mile. We're
currently in the middle of what may be an unprecedented swell of competition
between cable and telephony, which have been dominating their own turf for
years and which are now on the verge of entering each others' markets. On the
telco side, both AT&T and Verizon are spending billions to upgrade their
networks with fiber. Also, so that they can sell video in competition with cable
companies. For their part the cable companies are working to upgrade their own
networks to compete and many are already offering telephone service. I have to
have Comcast telephone service. Moreover, each is expanding broadband
internet services in competition with the other. At the same time as this is
happening, many municipalities are beginning to build sort of semi fast networks
as well. For example, in Philadelphia, San Francisco and Madison, Wisconsin,
they are using some version of wireless networking in partnership with
companies like EarthLink and Google. All of this is good, actually all of this is
really great for consumers. And we need to be careful not to create a policy that
stops this new competition before it really gets under way. What do I think?
Well, like Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, more generally, and Rob Atkinson and Phil
Weiser , I don't know if Phil is here today, I know he's on the panel tomorrow,
more specifically many of us are looking for a third way. There should be room
for broadband providers to compete in the way they want. And there should be
incentives for them to innovate but at the same time, my sense is that some form
of net neutrality, some restriction on their ability to charge for tiered access may
be important and may be very important if we're going to continue to get the
types of creative new content and applications from the web that we've marveled
at over the past few years. One possible approach, and by the way, let me just
make clear, I haven't reached any final conclusions and I think all of us on the
commission are trying to think this issue through. We always learn something
new when we do these workshops, we always learn something new when we
write reports. Michael Sound (ph) has told me that on many occasions -- our
head of the Bureau of Economics. But one possible approach would be to use a
consent order for the recent AT&T Bell South merger as a point of departure. In
AT&T Bell South AT&T agreed not to charge web-based application and content
providers to access AT&T's last mile. The restriction included some exceptions,
principally relating to a television subscription service that allows AT&T to use its
own network in ways that the others could not. It seems possible that there are
other services that could be provided better over a private network than over the
internet. Perhaps when a carrier can demonstrate that such use is
pro-competitive it should be allowed to do so in an unfettered way. In the AT&T
Bell South merger, for example, AT&T wanted to use its network to compete in
other wise very concentrated cable television markets. Broadband providers
could also be allowed to do more when the market for the services that it wants
to sell is otherwise competitive. This might be the case if there is a third
broadband pipe at the home, whether it's broadband by power line, municipal
broadband, broadband by implants to the brain, whatever. Or if unaffiliated
companies can provide the same service over the incumbent's own internet
connection. Finally, enough of the substance. One question that I've been
asked recently is, if Congress ever reaches a stage where it's close to enacting
legislation on the issue or even if it doesn't because we have existing
telecommunications laws and antitrust laws what agency should be the one to
enforce any rules of road? It's been a question I've been asked frequently and
very frequently in recent days. Well, look, the FCC is a terrific agency, loads of
experience regulating the telecommunications industry. It certainly has a major
role to play and I don't think that should change. But with respect to broadband,
it's important to remember that net neutrality touches at the heart of precisely
what the FTC does. Consumer protection and competition. Lawmakers who are
debating net neutrality measures in the coming months need to keep that in
mine. They also need to keep in mind that we're an enforcement agency, not a
regulatory one. So from my perspective that seems as much of a strength as it
causes weakness. Ultimately, picking one agency to enforce net neutrality to the
exclusion of another is sort of a false dichotomy, a false choice. There is clearly
room for both and probably some room for the Justice Department as long as
there is a common carrier exemption. These are just some ideas doubtless you
will hear others in the upcoming panel which includes the legendary Alfred Kahn
(ph), who has come all the way from Ithaca on this snowy, wintry mixy day. It is
full of articulate thinkers with ideas across the philosophical spectrum. The
important thing to remember over the next day, though, is for everyone to listen
to the concerns of the other side with the same degree of respect that you've
listened to me or better yet with the same degree of respect with which you
listened to the Chairman earlier this morning. And that way we can start the
process of developing a policy that even if it doesn't make every interest group
happy, it does benefit consumers and doesn't fulfill anyone's worst fears of
misery and wretchedness either. Thank you so much. I'll quit bloviating and then
take one or two questions and let you guys go to the panel unless there are no
questions, in which case you can go right to the panel. Thank you so much.