WEBCAST WED/THU: Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning Bootcamp #aimlbootcamp #AWSLoft @AWSstartups @isocny #AI #AL @awscloud

livestreamOn Wednesday-Thursday January 8-9 2020 the AWS Loft NYC hosts the AI/ML Boot Camp, a 2 day training event for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Machine Learning (ML)  developers, application developers, and data scientists, of all skill levels. Via a partnership with the Internet Society NY Chapter (ISOC-NY), all presentations, which will include tutorials on how to quickly build and deploy ML models at scale, will be webcast live on the Internet Society Livestream Channel 3.

LIVESTREAM: https://livestream.com/internetsociety3/aimlbootcamp

SCHEDULE: https://aimlbootcampjan2020ny.splashthat.com/

TWITTER: #aimlbootcamp #AWSLoft