Internet history

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Literature on (social) history of the Internet

A reading list compiled by Polina Kolozaridi from recommendations from members of the Association of Internet Researchers

  • Abbate, J. (2000). Inventing the internet. MIT press.
  • Abbate, J. (2001). Government, Business, and the Making of the Internet.*Business History Review*, *75*(01), 147-176.
  • Anderson, J. Q. (2005). Imagining the Internet: Personalities, predictions, perspectives. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Brunton, F. (2013). *Spam: a shadow history of the Internet*. Mit Press.
  • Flichy, P. (2004). The imaginary internet: how Utopian fantasy shaped the making of a new information infrastructure. *Business and Economic History*, *2*, 1-1.
  • Flichy, P. (2007). The internet imaginaire. Mit Press.
  • Guice, J. (1998). Looking backward and forward at the Internet. *The Information Society*, *14*(3), 201-211.
  • Horner, J. R. (2010). Book Review: Patrice Flichy The Internet Imaginaire, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 2007; 255 pp.: 109780262062619, US $29.95 (hbk). *New Media & Society*, *12*(2), 331-334.
  • Levy, S. (2001). *Hackers: Heroes of the computer revolution* (Vol. 4). New York: Penguin Books.
  • Lewis, M. (1999). *The new new thing: a Silicon Valley story*. WW Norton & Company.
  • Mansell, R. (2012). *Imagining the Internet: Communication, innovation, and governance*. Oxford University Press.
  • Mosco V (2004) The Digital Sublime. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Shahin, J. (2006). A European history of the Internet. *Science and Public Policy*,*33*(9), 681-693.
  • Sterling, B. (2014). *The Hacker Crackdown, law and disorder on the electronic frontier*. Bookpubber.
  • Thomas, G., & Wyatt, S. (1999). Shaping cyberspace—Interpreting and transforming the Internet. *Research Policy*, *28*(7), 681-698.
  • Turner, F. (2010). *From counterculture to cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the rise of digital utopianism*. University Of Chicago Press.
  • Woolgar S (2002) Virtual Society? Technology, Cyberbole, Reality. New York: Oxford University Press

Added by Scott MacLeod:

  • Manuel Castells, "The Rise of the Network Society,” 2 nd edition, Oxford: Blackwell, 2000, chapter 1: "The Information Technology Revolution,” pp.28-76
  • Janet Abbate "Inventing the Internet,” Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999, pages 1-6, 44-81, and 181-220.
  • Eric S. Raymond "The cathedral & the bazaar. Musings on Linux and opensource by an accidental revolutionary," Sebastopol, Ca: O'Reilly, 1999, pages 7 - 78.
  • Barry Wellman and Milena Gulia "Net-Surfers don't ride alone: virtual communities as communities," on Barry Wellman (editor) "Networks in the global village,” Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, pp. 331-366

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