AI Website Security Analyzer

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The AI Website Security Analyzer(AWSA) is a project proposed by the Internet Society Cybersecurity Special Interest Group (CyberSecSIG)in late 2024.

The project is the development of a comprehensive security and performance assessment software that integrates the functionalities of services like Sucuri and, along with similar offerings. It will connect data to the ChatGPT API, incorporating additional features. The website checker tool will retrieve data from external APIs (such as and other comparable services) and leverage the ChatGPT API to enhance the raw data by providing insightful, contextual, and user-friendly information. The refined data will then be presented on the frontend, improving the user experience and offering more actionable insights


It is envisaged that AWSA will be developed in two phases, with the actual work outxourced to a third party vendor

  • Phase One - Build version one of the security tool with features like malware scans, SSL checks, and AI-driven tips for improving website security including visual reports.
    • Estimated Duration: 16-18 weeks
    • Total Hours: Approximately 765 hours
    • Billing Rate: $50/hour
    • Estimated Cost: Approximately $38,250
  • Phase Two: Expand with advanced tools like in-depth vulnerability scanning, a user-friendly dashboard with detailed visual reports, realtime alerts, and a suite of options for complete protection
    • Estimated Duration: 24-26 weeks
    • Total Hours: Approximately 1,210 hours
    • Billing Rate: $50/hour
    • Estimated Cost: Approximately $120,000


CybersecSIG enquired to ISOC about funding, and were told the best option was to team with a Chapter, who might then apply for a 'Beyond the Net' large grant to partly fund Phase One.

  • On Nov 12 2024 the presentation above was communicated to the ISOC-NY board.