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  • joly 8:52 am on 08/13/2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BBC,   

    WEDS: @BBCRadio4 ‏ Aleks in Wonderland: The Story of the Internet – Episode 1 @aleksk 

    BBC On Wednesday August 16 2017 at 08:00 UTC (repeated at 20:30 UTC) BBC Radio 4 will broadcast the first of a 4 part-series Aleks in Wonderland: The Story of the Internet.

    As the BBC puts it:

    In this series Aleks Krotoski unravels the complexity of the internet, meeting the people who really invented it, looking behind the myths and cultural constructs to explain what it actually is and how it came to exist outside of conventional regulation.
    We’ll ask whether the nature of the net itself really is cause for concern – and if so what can be done to reign in the negatives of the internet without restricting the positives?

    This first episode is entitled ‘The International League of Geeky Gentlemen“.

  • joly 7:53 pm on 10/08/2011 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BBC, , plum,   

    UK: Plum Report rubbishes bandwidth squeeze, calls for Open Internet #netneutrality 

    As the net neutrality issue continues to be debated in the UK, a group of content/application providers have commissioned a study on the topic – The open internet – a platform for growth aka the Plum Report. Unsurprisingly the study refutes ISP/telco claims that growing bandwidth demand compels them to finance expansion by shaking down 3rd party providers for access to their customers. The report sets out to dispel a few myths:
    Net neutrality myths
    and makes some strong policy recommendations:

  • A clear signal of commitment to the open internet by EU institutions, national governments and regulators.
  • Internet access should be clearly defined and the use of the term in marketing restricted to those who provide open access to the internet. This measure could be implemented nationally under consumer protection powers.
  • The application of an industry code of conduct and dispute resolution procedures, through “selfregulation with oversight”, should be promoted. The code should require:
    • Open access to and distribution of internet-based, lawful content and applications for consumers; no blocking of legal services and discrimination on the basis of commercial rivalry.
    • Protection against unilateral and opportunistic requests for payment i.e. holding players to ransom.
    • Principle of parity of access if and where prioritisation is provided on voluntary commercial terms for any content or applications i.e. the same opportunity on the same terms should be available to all (analogous to the principle of equivalence applied at the network access layer).
  • Policy-makers and national regulators (e.g. Ofcom) should closely monitor market developments given the risks to innovation. If the suggested measures prove insufficient, then intervention by national regulators utilising their powers to protect the open internet under the revised EU Electronic Communications Framework, or the introduction by policy makers of a new legally binding open internet requirement, should be considered.

  • The report concludes:

    We conclude that there is no reason to believe that a departure from the open internet norm would be economically efficient – rather, we find a departure from this model would risk irreversible harm.

  • joly 12:55 pm on 05/26/2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BBC,   

    Zittrain on BBC World Service 

    ISOC Trustee Jonathan Zittrain appeared on the BBC World Service’s Business Daily show “Controlling The Internet’ on Tuesday May 25 2010.

    Listen here

  • joly 11:04 pm on 12/25/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BBC, documentary,   

    BBC Digital Revolution – an open documentary on/about the web 

    digital revolution is a four part series for BBC Two about how the web is changing the world. Due in 2010, it’s in production now, and is offering a range of ways to interact with the programme team and the content they produce.

  • joly 12:38 pm on 12/18/2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BBC, , , metering, Olivier,   

    Comments on purported Chinese Internet Metering Plan 

    Olivier of ISOC-England writes:

    Very interesting article on the BBC:


    My own views on this article is that there appears to be a gross misunderstanding by many people of how the Internet works, and I am trying to find out in this instance, who’s more guilty of this misunderstanding, whether it is “China”, the gentleman from the European Commission, the ITU, or the BBC.

    Yes, in some cases, the Internet works with peering agreements allowing for flow of traffic from backbone provider to backbone provider. But this is not the case for every Internet Service Provider out there.
    “Pendants”, ie. networks connected to the rest of the network through a single link, sometimes pay to get connected to the Internet backbone, with no “discount” whatsoever. This has always been the case, and it is therefore entirely possible that an end user gets charged according to the amount of traffic they send and receive. The great thing about the Internet is that charging models at the edge of the network (customer access points etc.) can be whatever you design them to be. Of course, you can’t charge on a per destination basis, but that’s the whole point of the Internet.

    The use of the word “Borders” in the article is even more confusing: “China wants to meter all internet traffic that passes through its borders”, ie. into/out of the country, and there is allusion to the “Border Gateway Protocol – BGP”. What an amalgamation! These two, I’m afraid, are completely unrelated.

    Also, the paragraph “It would allow countries which currently receive no payment for use of their lines to generate income.” is completely misleading too. Short of a few insane volunteers like us lot, I have never heard of an actual “country”, (1) being in the business of owning and running telecommunications lines, and (2) doing it for free.

    Finally, I find it… amusing, for lack of better fitting word, to see that the ITU, an organisation which has brilliantly excelled in its absence of involvement in the development of the Internet, is purported as being “the UN body in charge of internet standards”.

    Is the ITU trying to introduce a PSTN-era monopoly telecom control? Shall we all turn back our clocks 30 years?

    Red herring or serious political move? I wonder if any of you have sources which could validate this article, and whether the perceived threat is real or grossly inflated?
    Bonus question: if metering Internet access in this way, how will economic growth be impacted in Western Economies when their digital economy plans collapse?

    Warmest regards,


    Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond, PhD

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